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Waste Topics

DEP implements state and federal laws related to recycling, pollution prevention and solid and hazardous waste management. DEP responds to hazardous waste spills that endanger the environment and human health and oversees petroleum storage tank cleanup. DEP is also responsible for promoting, monitoring and reporting on recycling and other waste reduction efforts throughout the state.

Brownfield redevelopment at Cascades park in Tallahassee, Florida

Brownfields Main Page

Provides grants and technical assistance to communities to assess, safely clean up and sustainably reuse properties containing environmental hazards.
Skyway Fishing Pier State Park - Sun peeking through the trees across the water


Oversees cleanup of sites contaminated by petroleum and petroleum products from stationary petroleum storage systems.
Closeup photo of crushed aluminum cans at the Marpan recycling facility


The Florida Legislature established the Energy, Climate Change and Economic Security Act of 2008 to include a statewide weight-based recycling goal of 75% by 2020. There is no provision in the...
Brownfield redevelopment at Cascades park in Tallahassee, Florida

Waste Cleanup

Manages state-funded investigation and cleanup of hazardous waste sites and coordinates with EPA during cleanup of federal Superfund sites.
Aerial View of Sewage Treatment Plant Banner

Waste Management

Implements state and federal laws to protect the environment from the improper handling and disposal of solid and hazardous wastes.

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