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Integrated Water Quality Assessment for Florida

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Integrated Water Quality Assessment for FloridaView of manatees and the riverbank Blue Spring State Park

It is with great pleasure that we present to you the 2024 Integrated Water Quality Assessment for Florida. This report meets the Federal Clean Water Act reporting requirements; more importantly, it presents a comprehensive analysis of the quality of our waters. This report would not be possible without the monitoring efforts of organizations throughout the state, including state and local governments, and an extensive network of stakeholders providing ambient data who agree that our waters are a central part of our state’s culture, heritage and way of life.

In Florida, monitoring efforts at all levels result in substantially more monitoring stations and water quality data than most other states in the nation. These water quality data are used annually for the assessment of waterbody health by means of a comprehensive approach. Hundreds of assessments of individual waterbodies are conducted biennially.

Additionally, as part of this report, estimates of statewide water quality condition are presented for Florida's lakes, flowing waters, and aquifers, using an unbiased random monitoring design. These efforts allow us to understand the state’s water conditions, make decisions that further enhance our waterways and focus our efforts on addressing problems.

The department implements a wide range of programs to protect and restore Florida's surface waters. At the heart of these efforts, particularly in identifying water quality problems and establishing restoration objectives, is the Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration. Throughout this report you will find links to resources that present information on water quality trends and strategies and activities underway to benefit water quality.

Florida’s rivers, streams, lakes, estuaries and coastal waters are spectacularly beautiful. More than that, they are essential natural resources, supplying the water necessary for aquatic life, both large and microscopic; drinking water; recreation; industry; fishing and shellfish harvesting; and agriculture. Protecting these abundant water resources, supporting restoration efforts, and preserving them for the future is your responsibility and ours.

We encourage all those interested in Florida' s waterways to read this report, gain a better understanding of Florida’s water quality conditions and engage in local efforts to protect and restore water quality. It has been a pleasure for us to compile this information for your use.

Integrated Assessment Water Quality Reports (Large Files 5+ MB)

2024 |202220202018 2016 2014 | 2012 | 2010 | 2008 | 2006 |2004 | 2002 | 2000 | 1996

Last Modified:
June 21, 2024 - 1:54pm

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