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Air Topics

DEP implements the federal Clean Air Act and related Florida statutes, monitors air quality, issues permits to the air pollution sources and administers Florida's air pollution control programs. DEP coordinates the interagency review and certification for building and operating power plants, transmission lines and natural gas pipelines. DEP also promotes sustainable initiatives and other programs that protect air quality.

Honeymoon Island State Park - Blue Skies & White Sands on the beach

Air Home Page

Responsible for the protection and management of Florida’s air resource.
Laptop and Hard Hat - Technical Engineer Concept

Air Permit Application

The Electronic Permit Submittal and Processing System (EPSAP) provides industrial facility owners / operators the ability to submit permit applications electronically.
A Screenshot of the Florida Air Quality map from GIS application.

Air Quality Today

Florida’s current air quality at a glance! This interactive map displays air quality at individual air monitoring sites for the past 24 hours. Click an individual site for details about its location and the pollutants being monitored.
Yellow warning tape with Danger Asbestos printed on it

Asbestos Notification System

The Asbestos Notification System allows the businesses and residents of Florida to submit a Notification of Demolition or Asbestos Renovation online.
Snippet of the partial definition of Data

Compliance Data - AirInfo

The Division of Air Resource Management's AirInfo Data Search application provides easy access to Air Facility, Air Compliance and Enforcement and Annual Air Emissions data.
St. Andrews State Park - Bullfrog

General Permits

Eligible facilities may register for an Air General Permit, a registration and permit-by-rule program designed for small businesses that may be classified as a minor, area or point source of air pollution.
Rules Regulations Concept - Golden Cog Gears - 3D

Regulatory Projects

This page provides access to information regarding current and recently completed air regulatory development and reform projects. To receive information on air regulatory projects by email, send your...
Rules Regulations Concept - Golden Cog Gears - 3D

Rules and Regulatory Projects

This page provides access to air rules and regulatory projects.


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