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2017 DEP SOPs  (Effective 4/16/2018) 

The following are the individual 2017 DEP SOPs. NOTE: These are the official versions cited in the DEP QA Rule, Chapter 62-160, F.A.C. The revision date (January 2017) appears in the page footer in each SOP. All other versions of the DEP SOPs (those with any other date published in the footer) are not current and should be discarded (or retained in archives if needed for historical reference). Draft versions of DEP SOPs, such as those published with markup for public comment during rulemaking, are not official documents.



Field Title Page

Title Page, Field

FA 1000


FC 1000

Field Decontamination

FD 1000


FM 1000

Field Mobilization

FQ 1000

Quality Control

FS 1000

General Sampling

FS 2000

General Water Sampling

FS 2100

Surface Water Sampling

FS 2200

Groundwater Sampling

FS 2300

Drinking Water Sampling

FS 2400

Wastewater Sampling

FS 3000

Soil Sampling

FS 4000

Sediment Sampling

FS 5000

Waste Sampling

FS 6000

Tissue Sampling

FS 7000

Biological Communities

FS 8100

Contaminated Surfaces Sampling

FS 8200

Clean Sampling for Trace Metals

FT 1000

Field Testing General

FT 1100

Field pH

FT 1200

Field Specific Conductance

FT 1300

Field Salinity

FT 1400

Field Temperature

FT 1500

Field Dissolved Oxygen 

FT 1600

Field Turbidity

FT 1700

Field Light Penetration

FT 1800

Field Flow Measurements

FT 1900

Field Continuous Monitoring

FT 2000

Field Residual Chlorine

FT 3000

Habitat Assessment

Lab Title Page

Title Page, Laboratory

LD 1000

Laboratory Documentation

LQ 1000

Laboratory Quality Control

LT 7000

Biological Indices

Bioassessment Title Page

Title Page, Bioassessment

BRN 1000

Biological Reconnaissance Field Method

LVI 1000

Lake Vegetation Index Methods

SCI 1000

Stream Condition Index Methods

Last Modified:
June 21, 2023 - 8:41am

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