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Comprehensive Rule Review

The Department of Environmental Protection has complied with the requirement in section 120.74, F.S., and is cooperating with the Office of Fiscal Accountability and Regulatory Reform and the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee in conducting a review of agency rules. Results of this rule.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is provisional. This Internet site should not be used to obtain the official version of a document. For matters affecting legal rights, please refer to the official version of the Florida Administrative Code provided by the Florida Department of State.














Board of Trustees of Internal Improvement Trust Fund

18-1 State Land Acquisition Procedures

18-2 Management  of Uplands Vested in the Board of Trustees

18-14 Administrative Fines for Damaging State Lands or Products Thereof

18-18 Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve

18-20 Florida Aquatic Preserves

18-21 Sovereignty Submerged Lands Management

18-23 State Buffer Preserves

18-24 Florida Forever Land Acquisition and Management

Department  of Environmental Protection

62-4 Permits

62-6 Standards for Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal System

62-8 Ad Valorem Tax Assessment Rules-Guidelines for Tax Assessors

62-11 Aquatic Animal Damage Valuation

62-17 Electrical Power Plant Siting

62-18 Vehicle Sound Measurement

62-40 Water Resource Implementation Rule

62-42 Minimum Flows and Levels

62-43 Surface Water Improvement and Management Act

62-45 25-Year Permits for Maintenance Dredging in Deepwater Ports

62-107 Short-Term Emergency Response

62-110 Exceptions to the Uniform Rules of Procedure

62-113 Delegations

62-150 Hazardous Substance Release Notification

62-160 Quality Assurance

62-204 Air Pollution Control - General Provisions

62-210 Stationary Sources - General Requirements

62-212 Stationary Sources - Preconstruction Review

62-213 Operation Permits for Major Sources of Air Pollution

62-214 Requirements for Sources Subject to the Federal Acid Rain Program

62-243 Tampering with Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Control Equipment

62-252 Gasoline Vapor Control

62-256 Open Burning

62-257 Asbestos Program

62-285 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction

62-296 Stationary Sources - Emission Standards

62-297 Stationary Sources - Emissions Monitoring

62-302 Surface Water Quality Standards

62-303 Identification of Impaired Surface Waters

62-304 Total Maximum Daily Loads

62-306 Water Quality Credit Trading

62-312 Dredge and Fill Activities

62-330 Environmental Resource Permitting

62-331 State 404 Program - 404 Applicant's Handbook

62-340 Delineation of the Landward Extent of Wetlands and Surface Waters

62-341 Noticed General Environmental Resource Permits

62-342 Mitigation Banks

62-343 Environmental Resource Permit Procedures

62-344 Delegation of the Environmental Resource Program to Local Governments

62-345 Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method

62-348 Permitting and Alternative Mitigation for the Mining of High-Quality Peat

62-503 State Revolving Fund Loan Program

62-505 Small Community Wastewater Facilities Grants

62-520 Ground Water Classes, Standards, and Exemptions

62-521 Wellhead Protection

62-522 Ground Water Permitting and Monitoring Requirements
62-524 New Potable Water Well Permitting in Delineated Areas
62-528 Underground Injection Control
62-531 Water Well Contractor Licensing Requirement
62-532 Water Well Permitting and Construction Requirements
62-550 Drinking Water Standards, Monitoring, and Reporting
62-552 State Revolving Fund Program for Drinking Water Facilities
62-555 Permitting, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Public Water Systems

62-560 Requirements for Public Water Systems That are Out of Compliance

62-570 Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction and Conservation Pilot Project
62-600 Domestic Wastewater Facilities
62-601 Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant Monitoring
62-602 Water or Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators and Distribution System Operators
62-603 Detergents
62-604 Collection Systems and Transmission Facilities
62-606 Releases from Gambling Vessels
62-610 Reuse of Reclaimed Water and Land Application
62-611 Wetlands Application
62-620 Wastewater Facilities and Activities Permitting

62-621 Generic Permits

62-624 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems
62-625 Pretreatment Requirements for Existing and Other Sources of Pollution
62-640 Biosolids

62-650 Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations

62-660 Industrial Wastewater Facilities
62-670 Feedlot and Dairy Wastewater Treatment and Management Requirements
62-671 Phosphate Mining Waste Treatment Requirements
62-672 Minimum Requirements for Earthen Dams Used in Phosphate Mining and Benefication Operations and for Dikes Used in Phosphogypsum Stack System Impoundments
62-673 Phosphogypsum Management

62-699 Treatment Plan Classification and Staffing

62-701 Solid Waste Management Facilities

62-704 Certification of Resource Recovery Equipment

62-708 Full Cost Accounting for Solid Waste Management
62-709 Criteria for Organics Processing and Recycling Facilities
62-710 Used Oil Management
62-711 Waste Tire Rule
62-713 Soil Treatment Facilities
62-716 Solid Waste Grants Program, Annual Reports, and Recycling
62-722 Regulation of Recovered Materials
62-730 Hazardous Waste
62-731 County and Regional Hazardous Waste Management Programs
62-737 The Management of Spent Mercury-Containing Lamps and Devices Destined for Recycling
62-740 Petroleum Contact Water
62-761 Underground Storage Tank Systems
62-762 Aboveground Storage Tank Systems
62-769 Florida Petroleum Liability and Restoration Insurance Program
62-771 Petroleum Contamination Site Priority Ranking Rule
62-772 Procurement Procedures for the Petroleum Restoration Program
62-777 Contaminant Cleanup Target Levels
62-780 Contaminated Site Cleanup Criteria

62-781 Drycleaning Solvent Cleanup Program

62-782 Drycleaning Solvent Cleanup Criteria
62-785 Brownfields Cleanup Criteria
62-788 Voluntary Cleanup Tax Credit Rule
62-807 Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Siting
62-814 Electric and Magnetic Fields
62-815 Preservation 2000 Program
62-816 Area of Critical State Concern Program
62-817 Land Acquisition Procedures with Preservation 2000 Funds
62-818 Florida Forever Program, Grant Application Procedures
62-819 Florida Forever Program, Land Acquisition Procedures

62-820 Stan Mayfield Working Waterfronts Program, Grant Application Procedures

62-821 Stan Mayfield Working Waterfronts Program, Land Acquisition Procedures
62B-26 Metes and Bounds Description of Coastal Construction Control Lines
62B-33 Rules and Procedures for Coastal Construction and Excavation (Permits for Construction Seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line and Fifty-Foot Setback)
62B-34 General Permits for Activities Seawards of the Coastal Construction Control Line
62B-36 Beach Management Funding Assitance Program
62B-41 Rules and Procedures for Application for Coastal Construction Permits
62B-49 Joint Coastal Permits and Concurrent Processing of Proprietary Authorizations
62B-54 Administrative Fines and Damage Liability
62B-55 Model Lighting Ordinance for Marine Turtle Protection

62B-56 Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems- Rules and Procedures for Using Sand-Filled Geotextile Dune Cores (Permits For Construction and Maintenance)

62C-16 Bureau of Mine Reclamation - Mandatory Phosphate Mine Reclamation
62C-17 Master Reclamation Plan for Lands Disturbed by the Severance of Phosphate Prior to July 1, 1975
62C-25 Conservation of Oil and Gas: General
62C-26 Conservation of Oil and Gas: Permitting
62C-27 Conservation of Oil and Gas: Drilling
62C-28 Conservation of Oil and Gas: Production and Flowlines
62C-29 Conservation of Oil and Gas: Injection Wells, Well Workovers, and Abandonments
62C-30 Conservation of Oil and Gas: Wetlands and Submerged Lands
62C-35 Certification to Administer Reclamation Rules

62C-36 Limestone Reclamation Requirements

62C-37 Heavy Mineral Reclamation Requirements
62C-38 Fuller’s Earth Reclamation Requirements
62C-39 Reclamation Requirements for Solid Resources Other Than Phosphate, Limestone, Heavy Minerals, and Fuller’s Earth
62D-2 Operation of Division Recreation Areas and Facilities
62D-5 Financial Assistance for Outdoor Recreation
62D-15 Myakka River Wild and Scenic River Rule
62S-1 Florida Greenways and Trails Program
62S-2 Recreational Trails Program
62S-3 Operations, Activities and Recreation on Lands Under the Management of the Office of Greenways and Trails
62S-4 Coastal Management Program Coastal Partnership Initiative Grants
62S-5 Coastal Management Program Grants to State Agencies and Water Management Districts
62S-6 Pollutant Discharge Act

Last Modified:
September 23, 2024 - 1:12pm

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