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Division Contacts


The executive section of the Office of General Counsel provides appellate counsel, personnel counsel and administrative law counsel.

Chad Stevens, Chief Deputy General Counsel
Yolonda Rigsby, Personal Secretary II


Agency Clerk

The agency clerk is responsible for keeping records all official legal documents received by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, including petitions and orders.

Lea Crandall, Agency Clerk



The litigation section of the Office of General Counsel represents the department’s regulatory and proprietary programs in all administrative and judicial actions.

Kirk White, Deputy General Counsel
Anne Willis, Administrative Assistant


Water, Air and State Lands

The water, air and state lands section of the Office of General Counsel is program counsel for all of the department’s regulatory and proprietary programs. It provides legal advice concerning program issues to the Division of Air Resource Management, Division of Waste Management, Division of Water Resource Management, Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration, the Office of Water Policy and the department’s six regulatory districts.

The program section also serves as counsel to the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, the Divisions of State Lands, Recreation and Parks and the Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection. The attorneys handle closings and closing audits for state land acquisitions. They also review leases, easements and other land use agreements for submerged lands and state-owned uplands. The section also serves as the Environmental Regulation Commission liaison.

Ronald W. Hoenstine III, Deputy General Counsel
Taylor Coram, Administrative Assistant


Waste and Contracts

The Waste and Contracts section serve as counsel for all of the programs in the Office of Emergency Response and the Division of Waste Management including solid and hazardous waste, site rehabilitation and the state-funded remediation programs. This includes providing counsel and assistance regarding those subject matters to the counter-parts in the district offices. Serves as counsel for all department procurement and contract matters as well as provide assistance related to some grants.

Rebecca Robinette, Deputy General Counsel
Jordan Bennett, Administrative Assistant

Last Modified:
January 18, 2024 - 3:48pm

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