Title Type
Climate Engine Virtual Workshop #1 Publication
Climate Engine Virtual Workshop #2 Publication
Climate Engine Virtual Workshop #3 Publication
Climate Engine Virtual Workshop #4 Publication
Combining High-Resolution Surveys and Numerical Modeling to Optimize Water Level Management and Contain Nutrient Levels in the Guana River Lake (2023) Publication
Combining high-resolution surveys and numerical modeling to optimize water level management and contain nutrient levels in the Guana River Lake (Dec. 2023) Publication
Combining high-resolution surveys and numerical modeling to optimize water level management and contain nutrient levels in the Guana River Lake (June 2024) Publication
Constraining the Mineralogy and Mobility of Phosphate Resulting from the Piney Point Wastewater Dump Publication
Continued Numerical Modeling for Investigation Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems Setback Distance Publication
Data and Conceptual Evaluation of the Alapaha River Sink Rise System Publication
DEP - ORCP Hycat Bathymetry of Guana Lake and Water Quality Data General Content
DEP-DEAR Targeted monitoring for springs and other priority waterbodies General Content
DEP-ORCP Springs Coast ecosystem monitoring and management General Content
Development of FlowCam/Visual Spreadsheet Zooplankton Classification Schemes for Use in Identifying Apalachicola Bay Plankton Communities Publication
Effects of Stormwater Ponds on Microbial Communities and Subsequent Ecosystem Functioning in Downstream Receiving Waters Publication
Evaluating the Economic Benefits of Water Quality in Florida: Literature Synthesis and Study Recommendations Publication
Expanded Water Quality Monitoring for East Bay (St. Andrew Bay), Lake Wimico, Gulf County Canal, and the Intracoastal Waterway Publication
Final report for Water quality variability in karst aquifers and implications on spring monitoring project and Identifying source waters to priority springs using isotopes of sulfate, geochemical modelling, and data analysis project Publication
Final Report to the Bonefish Tarpon Trust Publication
Harmful Algal Bloom Innovative Technology: the Harmful Algal Bloom Assessment of Lake Okeechobee System Publication
Harmful Cyanobacterial Bloom Mitigation in the C-43 Canal/ Caloosahatchee River Using BlueGreen Water Technologies Lake Guard® Oxy Solution Publication
Jackson Blue Springshed Monitoring Well Installation Publication
MS4 GIS Inventory for Non-mapped Phase I and Phase II Outfalls and Stormwater Facilities Publication
Nature Coast Aquatic Preserve Management Plan Publication
Nature Coast Aquatic Preserve Seagrass Monitoring Program: 2021 Report Publication