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Section D - Oil/Mineral Affidavit Example

Document Type: 
Application Information
Author Name: 
Bureau of Public Land Administration

Section D - Oil/Mineral Affidavit Example

Pursuant to section 270.11(2)(b), Florida Statutes, all Oil/Mineral Reservations on property less than 20 acres is
automatically released and an application is not required. The interest is never released, ONLY the right of entry. If
20 acres or more, the developer or current owner(s) must submit an application (Section A) and an affidavit
(Section D) certifying that each parcel will be a permanent building site, what will be built, date of construction
proposed and the land use will not involve phosphate mineral, metal or petroleum extraction, as set forth in
paragraph 18.2.018(3)(e) 2, Florida Administrative Code.

See Section D for example affidavit.

Last Modified:
July 17, 2024 - 3:20pm

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