Under its Clearinghouse Program, the Office of Intergovernmental Programs (OIP):

  • Administers the Florida State Clearinghouse – the state's Single Point-Of-Contact (SPOC) for the review of federal projects and federally funded activities – in accordance with section 403.061(42), Florida Statutes; Presidential Executive Order 12372; the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA); the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) and other federal laws and policies.
  • Coordinates the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP) position on the consistency of federal activities with departmental policies and regulations, and provides comments to the Florida State Clearinghouse.

  • Coordinates DEP's position on proposed transportation improvement projects being evaluated by the Florida Department of Transportation through its Efficient Transportation Decision Making (ETDM) process, and provides statements of environmental feasibility for proposed toll road projects operated by Florida's Turnpike Enterprise, as required under Chapter 338, F.S.
  • Clearinghouse projects should be sent to: state.clearinghouse@FloridaDEP.gov.

Under the Florida Coastal Management Program (FCMP), OIP:

  • Coordinates coastal activities of local, state and federal agencies using existing laws to ensure Florida's coast is as valuable to future generations as it is today.
  • Administers an annual cooperative award from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that provides funds for:
    • Operating the state's Aquatic Preserves, including Charlotte Harbor, Estero Bay, Biscayne Bay, Rainbow Springs and Indian River Lagoon;
    • Pass-through grants to local governments for economic and resource improvement projects, such as waterfront restoration and access, boating facilities and parks; restoration of damaged natural resources; and marine research;
    • Beach warning flags, rip current warning signs and beach access signs;
    • Long-term research and coastal enhancement projects, such as coral reef mapping, planning for sea-level rise, estuarine habitat restoration and critical wildlife habitat.

Under its Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) program, OIP:

  • Coordinates state reviews of activities occurring in federal waters offshore Florida under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA); the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA); the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA); the Deepwater Ports Act; Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act; and other federal laws.
  • Reviews proposed laws, rules, information requests, and other materials associated with offshore activities.
  • Serves as the state's single point-of-contact for all matters related to OCS oil and gas activities that affect Florida.

Under its Comprehensive Plan program, OIP:

  • Coordinates DEP's review of local government comprehensive plans, plan amendments, sector plans and rural land stewardship area plans under Chapter 163, F.S
  • Provides input regarding specific growth management policy issues and coordinates DEP’s implementation of related recommendations.

  • Coordinates DEP's involvement in Florida's Areas of Critical State Concern program.
  • Comprehensive plan reviews should be sent to Plan.Review@FloridaDEP.gov.
Last Modified: Tuesday, Jun 14, 2022 - 01:38pm