The Florida State Clearinghouse (SCH) administers the intergovernmental coordination and review process of certain federal activities within the state of Florida that involve federal financial assistance and/or direct federal activity. The clearinghouse also reviews all programs that federal agencies have indicated are eligible for inclusion under Presidential Executive Order 12372.

Section 403.061(42), F.S., identifies the SCH as the state single point of contact for coordinating the states review of these activities.

What is the purpose of the State Clearinghouse?

The State Clearinghouse process is designed to:

  • Eliminate duplication.
  • Ensure proposals are in accord with state plans, policies, programs, objectives and procedures.
  • Determine if the proposed project is environmentally sound.
  • Ensure proposals are consistent with the Florida Coastal Management Program.
  • Determine if the project will have any adverse effects of Florida's natural resources, wildlife, historical or archaeological sites or artifacts.
  • Provide information to agencies concerning proposed activities that may affect their respective programs.
  • Resolve conflicts when necessary.

How does the State Clearinghouse work?

1. Applicant

  • Applicant contacts the SCH to determine if the applicant is subject to review under Presidential Order 12372, section 403.061(42), F.S., or other federal/state laws.

2. The State Clearinghouse

  • Logs the application.
  • Assigns a State Application Identifier (SAI) number.
  • Notifies the applicant of application receipt date, SAI number and clearance letter due date.
  • Distributes application for review to appropriate state agencies, water management districts, regional planning councils, local governments and the Governor's Office of Planning and Budgeting.

3. Reviewing Agencies

  • Review application for compliance with applicable state laws, policies and procedures.
  • Submit comments to the SCH.

4. The State Clearinghouse

  • Compiles reviewing agencies' comments.
  • Issues clearance letter or state process recommendation letter.


  • -> If the application is consistent with state laws, the applicant forwards a copy of the clearance letter to the federal funding agency.
  • -> If the application is inconsistent with state laws, the SCH forwards a state process recommendation letter to the federal funding agency with a copy to the applicant.

How do I determine if my application is subject to review?

Your federal application must be submitted to the State Clearinghouse for review if it:

  1. Involves applications for federal funding, excluding student loans and small business loans. These projects generally originate from local school boards, local health departments and profit/nonprofit organizations; or
  2. Includes activities that may affect Florida's environment or water quality, such as construction or transportation; or
  3. Pertains to one or more of the following state and federal laws:
    • - Section 216.212, Florida Statutes.
    • - Florida Coastal Management Program (FCMP).
    • - Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA).
    • - National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).
    • - National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
    • - Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lands Act.
  4. Involves projects that have been determined to have a significant effect on Florida's environment, including those requiring:
    • - Environmental Assessments (EAs).
    • - Environmental Impact Statements (EISs).
    • - FCMP Consistency Determinations.
  5. Originates from a state agency, state university or state community college.

How do I comply with the State Clearinghouse requirements?

Applicants whose projects may have a significant effect on Florida's environment, including those requiring Environmental Assessments, Environmental Impact Statements and/or Florida Coastal Management Program Consistency Determinations, must submit a complete application to the State Clearinghouse. Failure to provide sufficient information will result in unnecessary delays.

The application should include the following items:

  • Application for Federal Assistance (SF 424 Form), including the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number.
  • Budget summary and funding source.
  • Program Narrative or Executive Summary or Abstract; this information must include purpose, scope, justification, area to be served, staffing and other pertinent data.
  • Maps that show project activity location(s) within Florida, if applicable.
  • For Construction Projects: Maps that show site plan, as well as information regarding sewer, water supply, zoning, susceptibility to flooding, storm water management, hydrology and acreage.
Last Modified: Friday, May 20, 2022 - 01:53pm