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The FDEP Oracle Forms environment has been migrated to the Cloud

The Internet Explorer (IE) bookmark that links to the previous Oracle Forms environment will no longer work.  Instead of using an IE bookmark to connect to Oracle Forms, please download and use the linked JNLP file to initiate your connection to Oracle Forms:

  • FDEP Production Forms JNLP file
    • Do not use Internet Explorer (IE) to download this file.
    • This file only needs to be downloaded once.
    • Once you have saved this file to a preferred location, ‘double-click’ on it each time you want to connect to the Oracle Forms environment.
    • If the icons at the top of the Forms window do not display correctly, please clear your Java cache.


The FDEP OTIS team has initiated a multi-year project to host our applications and databases in the Cloud.  This will allow the Department to reduce costs and leverage economies of scale, providing the Department more services than previously available.  One technology stack involved in the Cloud migration effort is our Oracle Forms environment. 

As part of this effort, we have implemented Oracle’s certified approach to leverage JWS (Java Web Start).  This will allow users of Oracle Forms to connect to run Oracle Forms directly from their computer, rather than initiating their session from a web browser.  Due to security vulnerabilities, most of the browser community has deprecated support for using Java applets, forcing Oracle to pursue other methods to connect to Oracle Forms.  While Internet Explorer (IE) had been the recommended way to access Oracle Forms, Microsoft has announced that IE 11 will be End-of-Life, as of 8/17/2021.  We have an opportunity to transition users to use a new way to connect to Oracle Forms (using JWS) as part of the cloud migration process. 

What is needed:

  1. Upgrade to a newer Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
    1. The minimum supported JRE version needed after the Oracle Forms upgrade is 1.8.211. You do not need to upgrade if you are already at or above this version.
    2. For any user below the 1.8.211 version, FDEP is targeting version 1.8.271, to ‘get ahead’ to a higher, supported version.  (This is optional, but we recommend this higher level for both support and helping out with future maintenance/support.)

    3. How to obtain the newer version of JRE:

      1. For FDEP (internal) users, our Systems team is pushing the JRE upgrade to users’ machines via an automatic update

      2. For users outside of FDEP, please coordinate with your IT staff to upgrade your JRE. Installers can be found here:

  2. Using the JNLP (Java Network Launch Protocol) clickable file/shortcut, instead of Internet Explorer, to connect to Oracle Forms

    1. This is a file/shortcut that Oracle Forms users will “double click” to open an Oracle Forms session, instead of using the IE browser

    2. The JNLP file is an XML file that references our Cloud Oracle Forms server environments

      1. This file is not an executable and is a flat file that contains configuration and connection information to the Oracle Forms Server(s)

      2. Each file’s connection information is specific to one environment.  Users will need a different file for each environment they wish to connect to:

        1. Beta - Contact the FDEP Service Desk if you need this file.

        2. Production

    3. When the user is prompted to update their Java version, check ‘Do not ask again until the next update is available’ and select ‘Later’.  (The user should already be using the minimum JRE required.) Java Update

    4. If the user is prompted to run this application, select ‘Do not show this again…’ and click the ‘Run’ button.
  3. If the user is prompted a second time to run this application, select ‘Do not show this again…’ and click the ‘Run’ button 
  4. The user will be shown to the Oracle Forms login page.  (This should be a familiar page, as this is what users currently see when they log in to the Oracle Forms environment.) 

If you need technical assistance:

  • FDEP Employees should contact the FDEP Service Desk.
  • Non-FDEP Employees should contact their IT Help Desk and provide them with a link to this page of instructions.
Last Modified:
January 8, 2024 - 7:46am

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