Below are additional documentation and registrations that should be completed for the CVA Grant Application process.

Business Registrations

All grant recipients must be legal entities as well as registered with the state of Florida:

Contact the Vendor Help Desk at 1-866-352-3776 or email for assistance with the registration process.
  • Sunbiz Registration

Contact the Corporations Mainline at 850-245-6000 or email for assistance with the registration process.

Applications will not be processed without appropriate active business registrations.

W-9 Form

  • After the business is a registered vendor with the Florida Department of Management Services (see Vendor Registration above), the facility will need to file an electronic W-9 via the Florida Vendor Registration website. It may take up to two or three weeks for the business to be added into the system and showing “valid W-9 on file" status.
  • A formal W-9 form should also be submitted with the CVA Application. Download a blank W-9 form.

Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA)

  • The FFATA Form should be submitted only with applications that are requesting over a total of $30,000 (75 percent amount) in grant award funding.
  • The FFATA Sub-award Reporting System (FSRS) is the reporting tool the Florida Department of Environmental Protection must use to capture and report sub-award and executive compensation data regarding first-tier sub-awards that obligate $30,000 or more in federal funds.

Insurance Requirements

The facility’s current Certificate of Insurance must be submitted with the grant application form. The certificate must name the Florida Department of Environmental Protection as a Certificate Holder, an additional insured and contain a provision that the insurance will not be canceled for any reason except after 30 days written notice (with the exception of non-payment of premium which requires a 10-day notice).

The following insurance requirements apply to all grant applicants that are not self-insured government entities, i.e., city, county, state or federal facilities:

  • Facilities must be insured with carriers licensed in or eligible to do business in Florida.
  • Government entities will need to include a letter from their chief financial officer stating if they are self-insured or provide a certificate of insurance as stated below.
  • Facilities must maintain insurance coverage at no less than the following limits:
    • Commercial General Liability Insurance
      The Grantee shall provide adequate commercial general liability insurance coverage and hold such liability insurance at all times during the Agreement. The department, its employees, and officers shall be named as an additional insured on any general liability policies. The minimum limits shall be $250,000 for each occurrence and $500,000 policy aggregate. Example Insurance Certificate.
    • Commercial Automobile Insurance
      If the grantee's duties include the use of a commercial vehicle, the grantee shall maintain automobile liability, bodily injury and property damage coverage. Insuring clauses for both bodily injury and property damage shall provide coverage on an occurrence basis. The department, its employees and officers shall be named as an additional insured on any automobile insurance policy. The minimum limits shall be as follows:
      • $200,000/300,000 Automobile Liability for company-owned vehicles, if applicable; 
      • $200,000/300,000 Hired and non-owned Automobile Liability Coverage
      • If your facility owns commercial vehicles, proof of coverage is required. If your facility does not own commercial vehicles, please attach a letter with your application stating no commercial vehicles are owned or operated by your facility.
    • Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability Coverage
  • The grantee shall provide workers' compensations in accordance with Chapter 440, F.S. and employer liability coverage with minimum limits of $100,000 per accident, $100,000 per person and $500,000 policy aggregate. Such polices shall cover all employees engaged in any work under the grant. 
  • Does your marina have four or more employees? If so, you are required to have this coverage. If you have three or fewer employees you are not required to have this coverage but will need to complete the Workers Compensation Exemption Form and submit this completed form along with your application.
  • The primary insurance carrier for your facility should be familiar with the Certificate of Insurance and should be able to provide it to you upon request.

Applications that do not include a completed Certificate of Insurance cannot be processed or approved.

Vendor Quotes

Florida State Purchasing guidelines are Chapter 287 Florida States and Rule 60A-1.002 Florida Administrative Code

  • Applicants must submit two like quotes for any single purchase that exceeds $2,500 and under $35,000. Quotes must be signed by the vendor and submitted with the CVA Application.
    • Vendor quotes must be for items alike in function, operation and purpose. For example, if you want to purchase and install a diaphragm pump, the quotes must be for two diaphragm pumps, not one quote for a diaphragm pump and one quote for a peristaltic pump. While their purposes are similar, these pumps operate differently and are not comparable in cost. The same applies for electrical, plumbing, and other installation and construction services.
  • Purchases that exceed $35,000 and are under $250,000, the business/grantee will document their own procurement methods. Procurement methods include competitive solicitation, competitive quotes, etc. The applicant/grantee must submit two quotes for each purchase. 
  • For any purchase that exceeds $250,000, the project should be competitively solicited, and the final bid package submitted along with the completed CVA application and supporting documentation.
    • If the facility thinks they do not have the means to competitively solicit the purchase, the Noncompetitive Procurement Supplement should be submitted, along with the CVA application and all supporting documentation.
    • Note: The submission of the Noncompetitive Procurement Supplement does not guarantee authorization. The CVA Program will notify the CVA applicant of authorization within 15 business days of receiving the completed application and all supporting documents.
Last Modified: Monday, Dec 09, 2024 - 09:51am