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  1. FCT_FF19.Ranking.List

    Division of State Lands Land and Recreation Grants Program Notice FCT_FF19.Ranking.List_.pdf Download FCT_FF19.Ranking.List_.pdf (106.78 KB) 2019 FCT Priority List Yes ...

    Cruz_L - 08/17/2023 - 3:56pm

  2. FY2020-21 FRDAP Application 9-5-19

    Division of State Lands Land and Recreation Grants Program Application Submittal FY2020-21 FRDAP Application 9-16-19_1.pdf Download FY2020-21 FRDAP Application 9-16-19_1.pdf (2.19 MB) FY2020-21 FRDAP ...

    Cruz_L - 08/17/2023 - 3:56pm

  3. FRDAP Workshop Q & A 09.26.2019

    Division of State Lands Land and Recreation Grants Program Guidance Cruz_L FRDAP Workshop QA 092619- AB Revised 9.30.19.docx Download FRDAP Workshop QA 092619- AB Revised 9.30.19.docx (17.04 KB) FRDAP Workshop Q & ...

    Cruz_L - 08/17/2023 - 3:56pm

  4. Payment Request Summary Form DEP 55-223

    Division of State Lands Land and Recreation Grants Program Guidance DEP 55-223_07_07_15Ext (2).pdf Download DEP 55-223_07_07_15Ext (2).pdf (143.18 KB) Payment Request Summary Form DEP 55-223 Yes ...

    Cruz_L - 08/17/2023 - 3:56pm

  5. Payment Request Summary Form/Actual Cost (DRP-115)

    Division of State Lands Land and Recreation Grants Program Guidance FRDAP Payment Request Summary Form DRP-115.pdf Download FRDAP Payment Request Summary Form DRP-115.pdf (1.04 MB) Payment Request Summary ...

    Cruz_L - 08/17/2023 - 3:56pm

  6. Chapter 2018-10, Section 70

    Division of State Lands Land and Recreation Grants Program Application Information Ch_2018_010-Sec.70-Florida.Forever.pdf Download Ch_2018_010-Sec.70-Florida.Forever.pdf (32.56 KB) Yes ...

    Cruz_L - 08/17/2023 - 3:56pm

  7. 2017-2018 Priority List

    Division of State Lands Land and Recreation Grants Program Report 2017-2018 LWCF SIGNED PRIORITY LIST_7.11.18.pdf Download 2017-2018 LWCF SIGNED PRIORITY LIST_7.11.18.pdf (129.5 KB) Yes ...

    Cruz_L - 08/17/2023 - 3:56pm

  8. National Park Service 2015 Categorical Exclusions List

    Division of State Lands Land and Recreation Grants Program Application Information NPS 2015 Categorical Exclusions List_NPS latest version.pdf Download NPS 2015 Categorical Exclusions List_NPS latest version.pdf ...

    Cruz_L - 08/17/2023 - 3:56pm

  9. LWCF Grant Application Instructions

    Division of State Lands Land and Recreation Grants Program Application Information LWCF_DRP-121-Application_Instructions_1.13.16.pdf Download LWCF_DRP-121-Application_Instructions_1.13.16.pdf (1.35 MB) Yes ...

    Cruz_L - 08/17/2023 - 3:58pm

  10. LWCF Logo Terms of Use

    Division of State Lands Land and Recreation Grants Program Guidance lwcf_logo_terms_use.pdf Download lwcf_logo_terms_use.pdf (73.92 KB) LWCF Logo Terms of Use Yes ...

    Cruz_L - 08/17/2023 - 3:58pm


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