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  1. Florida Geographic Information Office

    Geospatial Hub where anyone can search across the state’s GIS data to find ...

    Jackson_EC - 06/25/2024 - 10:36am

  2. Public Meeting On Draft Wastewater Permit For Navarre Beach

    draft permit for Navarre Beach WWTF, DEP File No. FL0023981-014-DW1P. ... the Department’s draft permit for the Navarre Beach WWTF. The public comment period on the proposed draft permit will run until the close of the public meeting. ...

    Rider_D - 09/08/2023 - 1:43pm

  3. Finding CCCL Permits and Documents in OCULUS

    conventions and other search parameters important for finding CCCL permits. Yes ... coastal construction permit applicants, agents, local governments and other ... document management system to find the agency’s permits and related file ...

    Binns_I - 06/26/2024 - 10:58am

  4. Local Hazardous Waste Collection Center Grants

    Division of Waste Management Permitting and Compliance Assistance Program Lindsey Bradley-Brown 850-245-8977 Grants to establish a statewide network of local hazardous collection centers which provide free ...

    Landon_J - 11/04/2019 - 9:05am

  5. Small County Consolidated Grants

    Division of Waste Management Permitting and Compliance Assistance Program Lindsey Bradley-Brown 850-245-8977 Grants to provide funding to counties with populations less than 110,000 for general solid waste ...

    Landon_J - 11/04/2019 - 9:06am

  6. Unique and Innovative Grants

    Division of Waste Management Permitting and Compliance Assistance Program Lindsey Bradley-Brown 850-245-8977 Grants to enable local hazardous waste collection centers to receive funding for unique projects ...

    Landon_J - 11/04/2019 - 9:08am

  7. Expanded Local Hazardous Waste Management Grants

    Division of Waste Management Permitting and Compliance Assistance Program Lin 850-245-8977 Grants to provide startup costs incurred by county governments to establish the expanded local hazardous waste ...

    Landon_J - 11/04/2019 - 9:09am

  8. Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator Grants

    Division of Waste Management Permitting and Compliance Assistance Program Jeff Gregg 850-245-8816 Grants to provide funding to local governments to help them carry our responsibilities and programs specified ...

    Landon_J - 02/09/2022 - 1:14pm

  9. Cooperative Collection Center Grants

    Division of Waste Management Permitting and Compliance Assistance Program Lindsey Bradley-Brown 850-245-8977 Grants to encourage a cooperative, regional approach to household and small business hazardous waste ...

    Landon_J - 11/04/2019 - 9:10am

  10. Districts

    The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has six district offices located regionally throughout the state. The district offices review permit applications, conduct inspections of permitted facilities, respond ...

    Jackson_EC - 06/07/2024 - 8:34am


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