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  1. Request for Coordinated Approval Letter Template

    Division of Waste Management Office of District and Business Support Guidance Request_for_Coordinated_Approval_Letter_Template.docx Download Request_for_Coordinated_Approval_Letter_Template.docx (74.6 KB) Return to the  PCB Coordinated Cleanup webpage. Yes ...

    Landon_J - 08/11/2020 - 7:52pm

  2. Memorandum of Agreement between FDEP and US EPA for PCB Sites

    Division of Waste Management Office of District and Business Support Guidance PCB_MOA_13Aug20.pdf Download PCB_MOA_13Aug20.pdf (510.83 KB) Return to the  PCB Coordinated Cleanup  webpage. Yes ...

    Landon_J - 08/25/2020 - 1:32pm

  3. Toxicological Synopsis for Mineral-based Transformer Oils

    Division of Waste Management Office of District and Business Support Guidance ToxSynopsisMODEF_2004.pdf Download ToxSynopsisMODEF_2004.pdf (800.14 KB) Toxicological Synopsis for Mineral-based Transformer Oils (November ...

    Landon_J - 09/30/2020 - 11:29am

  4. Provisional PFOA and PFOS Cleanup Target Levels & Screening Levels

    Division of Waste Management Office of District and Business Support Guidance Provisional-PFOA-PFOS-Screening-Levels-Table_26Oct20.docx Download Provisional-PFOA-PFOS-Screening-Levels-Table_26Oct20.docx (23.24 KB) Return to Contaminated Media Forum Yes ...

    Landon_J - 10/26/2020 - 4:11pm

  5. Small Quantity Generator Re-Notification Fact Sheet

    Division of Waste Management Permitting and Compliance Assistance Program Fact Sheet Sarah K Valentine SQG_ReNotification_Fact_Sheet 3.23.21.pdf Download SQG_ReNotification_Fact_Sheet 3.23.21.pdf (250.86 KB) Small ...

    Ashwood_J - 03/30/2021 - 9:35am

  6. 2021 Rulemaking Update

    Division of Waste Management Permitting and Compliance Assistance Program Presentation Kim Curran 2021 Rulemaking Update Presentation.pdf Download 2021 Rulemaking Update Presentation.pdf (4.22 MB) 2021 Storage Tank ...

    Curran_K - 05/25/2021 - 10:17am

  7. Guidance for the Selection of Analytical Methods Referenced in Chapter 62-777

    Division of Waste Management Office of District and Business Support Guidance 62_777final.pdf Download 62_777final.pdf (536.4 KB) Guidance for the Selection of Analytical Methods and for the Evaluation ...

    Smith_LJ - 06/01/2021 - 10:08am

  8. Stockpile Sampling for Soil Reuse at a Site

    Division of Waste Management Office of District and Business Support Guidance Stockpile_Sampling_for_Reuse_Whitepaper.pdf Download Stockpile_Sampling_for_Reuse_Whitepaper.pdf (440.64 KB) Whitepaper: Stockpile Sampling for Soil Reuse at a Site ...

    Landon_J - 07/13/2021 - 1:19pm

  9. Cattle Dipping Vats MOU- South Florida WMD

    Division of Waste Management Office of District and Business Support Guidance SWFMD_FDEP_CDV_MOU_20Jul10.pdf Download SWFMD_FDEP_CDV_MOU_20Jul10.pdf (3.1 MB) Cattle Dipping Vats Memorandum of Understanding- South ...

    Landon_J - 07/20/2021 - 10:29am

  10. Water Well Construction ePermit for Delegated Counties

    Division of Waste Management Office of District and Business Support Guidance Water_Well_Construction_ePermit_Delegated_Counties_09Aug21.pdf Download Water_Well_Construction_ePermit_Delegated_Counties_09Aug21.pdf ...

    Landon_J - 08/09/2021 - 3:43pm


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