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Division of State Lands

FAQ: Survey and Mapping Services

Where can I find benchmark information?

The Division of State Lands maintains benchmark information from various state and federal governments, available online at LABINS.

Where can I find horizontal survey control information?

The Division of State Lands maintains horizontal information from various state and federal governments, available online at LABINS.

Where can I get information on determining Mean High Water Survey data?

FAQ: Appraisal Services

Why does DEP's Division of State Lands' Bureau of Appraisal maintain a list of appraisers when the Department of Business and Professional Regulation provides a list of all state licensed and certified appraisers?

All appraisals and appraisal reviews conducted for acquisition or disposition of state lands must be conducted by appraisers on the Division of State Land's Approved Appraiser List, pursuant to Rule 18-1.007(2), F.A.C.


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