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Division of Water Resource Management

WCEP Contacts

Water Compliance Enforcement Program

Florida Department of Environmental Protection
2600 Blair Stone Road, MS #3550
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400

Phone: 850-245-8567

Jennifer Walters – Program Administrator


Kelly Fannon – Environmental Administrator (Compliance Monitoring)

Organization of the Drinking Water Program

The Drinking Water Section located in the DEP headquarters in Tallahassee is responsible for writing rules, developing policy, managing funds, providing training and data management, and managing special initiatives. Enforcement of rules and permitting new construction is handled by six district offices.

In several Florida counties, the department has delegated enforcement and permitting authority to local approved county health departments. Laboratory certification is the responsibility of the Florida Department of Health's laboratory in Jacksonville.

Radionuclide Contamination


There are two sources of radioactive contamination in drinking water. The first is naturally occurring radionuclides contained in the soil that water moves through. Some areas in Florida are susceptible to contamination from phosphate-rich soils and rock.

The second source of radioactive contamination comes from man-made sources. There is no known man-made contamination of drinking water in Florida.

Inorganic Contaminants

There are many sources of inorganic contamination. Some of it is man-made and some of it occurs naturally. Following is a brief description of the inorganic contaminates regulated in Florida.

Note: Listed in the MCL column is the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) or standard for that contaminant.


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