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Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection

Greenhouse and Nursery

The DEP Nursery currently consists of almost 5280 sq. ft. of greenhouse space and over 10,000 sq. ft. of production pad space under irrigation. Two heated quonset style greenhouses, 30' x 96' and 30' x 80', with roll-up sidewalls and a mist room with 288 sq. ft. of heated propagation bench space allow us to produce plants year round. The current holding capacity of the nursery is approximately 50,000 plants in four-inch containers at one time.

Project GreenShores

Project GreenShores is a multimillion dollar habitat restoration and creation project in downtown Pensacola along the urban shoreline of Pensacola Bay. This habitat restoration effort partners DEP's Northwest Florida Aquatic Preserves with the city of Pensacola, Escambia County, the Ecosystem Restoration Support Organization, the EPA Gulf of Mexico Program, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the U.S.

Oyster Reef Restoration

Oyster reefs are built primarily by the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica). Oyster reefs are built via the successive reproduction and settlement of larvae onto hard structures such as existing oyster reefs, pilings, rocks, downed trees and recycled oyster shell. Thus, with continued settlement and subsequent generational growth, oysters may form massive reef structures in estuarine systems.


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