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Office of Water Policy and Ecosystems Restoration

Water Conservation

Water conservation is the most important action we can take to sustain our water supplies, meet future needs and reduce demands on Florida’s water-dependent ecosystems such as springs, rivers, lakes and wetlands. Water conservation activities can be implemented by utilities, sometimes utilizing cost-share programs of the water management districts; through regulation, such as landscape irrigation restrictions; but most importantly, water conservation can be implemented by YOU!

Water Management District Guidance Memos

As part of the department's statutory duties, pursuant to section 373.036(7), F.S., the department is entrusted to exercise general supervisory authority over all water management districts.  The department enjoys a cooperative working relationship with the water management districts and facilitates consistency and efficiency efforts at the statewide level. The department also relies on guidance memos to help communicate a consistent message to the districts.  The guidance memos may be found below. 

Water Supply

The Florida Water Resources Act, Chapter 373, F.S., establishes that all water in Florida, on the surface or in the ground, is a public resource managed by the department and the five water management districts. Florida's water supply comes from the bountiful systems of rivers, streams, wetlands, lakes, springs, aquifers and estuaries across the state. Florida's fresh water supply is used for public wa

Water Management District Budgets

Effective and efficient water management is essential to the public, the environment and Florida’s economic health and welfare. The core mission of Florida’s five water management districts is water supply, water quality, flood protection and floodplain management, and natural systems management. Over the past several years, DEP has worked collaboratively with the water management districts to review, revise and realign their operations, practices and budgets.

Minimum Flows and Minimum Water Levels and Reservations

One major challenge associated with water supply planning is finding the balance between meeting public water supply needs while maintaining the healthy natural systems essential to Florida's economy and quality of life. Two ways that water managers ensure that the water resources and associated ecological systems are protected are through the implementation of Minimum Flows and Minimum Water Levels (MFLs) and Water Use Reservations (Reservations) programs. 

Related Links

Central and Southern Florida (C&SF) Project Comprehensive Review Study — the Restudy (Yellow Book) provides an introduction on the restudy and related South Florida ecosystem restoration efforts.


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