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Office of Water Policy and Ecosystems Restoration

Suwannee River and Associated Springs MFLs and Recovery and Prevention Strategies

Rule Purpose

This rule is being established pursuant to s. 373.042 and 373.0421, F.S. The rulemaking will establish minimum flows and levels for the upper and middle reaches of the Suwannee River and their associated priority springs, including four Outstanding Florida Springs. This will have the potential to impact consumptive use applicants and permittees within the Suwannee River and St. Johns River water management districts.

Outstanding Florida Springs (OFS)

Rule Purpose

Springs are of great scientific importance in understanding the diverse functions of aquatic ecosystems. Water quality of springs is an indicator of local conditions of the Floridan Aquifer, which is a source of drinking water for many residents of this state. Water flows in springs may reflect regional aquifer conditions. In addition, springs provide recreational opportunities for swimming, canoeing, wildlife watching, fishing, cave diving and many other activities in this state.


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