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Petroleum Restoration Program

SOP - 22. Environmental Forensic Site Investigation and Other Technical Support Services Contract

The Division of Waste Management has executed the Forensic Site Investigation and Other Technical Support Services Contract to provide environmental forensic site investigations, verification assessments, special case studies, tank abandonment and/or tank removal services (hereinafter referred to as Technical Support Services).

SOP - 12. Site Visits and Inspections

Site Visits

Purpose of Site Visits

Site Managers (SM) visit sites to gain an understanding of site‑specific conditions including logistics and constraints that may affect the petroleum cleanup work at a site. Site visits help a SM gain a better understanding of fieldwork methods and equipment used and to learn more cost‑effective methods of accomplishing work at the sites they oversee. SMs are not limited to visiting their assigned sites; they can also coordinate visits to sites assigned to other SMs.


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