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1 St Day Hike - Hugh Taylor Birch

Event Date: 
Wednesday, January 01, 2020 - 8:00am to 3:00pm EST
Division of Recreation and Parks
Program Area: 
Office of Park Planning
Public Notice
Public Notice: 
3109 E. Sunrise Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33304

1st Day Hike of the New Year will have various activities to include: *Beach cleanup at 8:00 am - 10:00 am (students 17 and under must be accompanied by adult) school service credits receive when you present documentation. VOLUNTEERS FOR BEACH CLEAN UP WILL HAVE FEES WAIVED, LET PARK ATTENDANT KNOW YOU ARE VOLUNTEERING. *Ranger Guided Walk: 10:30am-2:30 pm to take you through various natural communities to include a Maritime Hammock, Coastal Dune Lake & Mangrove Forest. *Live Animal Presentation 12:00am - 2:30pm Marc Caruhel our reptile expert will give you an exciting interaction with our local snakes, Gopher Tortoise and Alley the alligator *Ranger Guided Walk and Live Animal Program are Free with your paid admission

Contact Name: 
Leve, Jenni
Contact Phone: 
Last Modified:
September 8, 2023 - 1:41pm

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