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The Division of Air Resource Management's AirInfo Data Search application provides easy access to Air Facility, Air Compliance and Enforcement and Annual Air Emissions data. Use AirInfo Data Search to find information about sources of air pollution at facilities across the state, including facility compliance and enforcement history and statewide emissions information. Search by source category, location, Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code and facility name.
AirInfo Help
There are three report types available from AirInfo. All three use the same criteria as the basic Facility Summary report; when the Emissions Summary or Compliance and Enforcement Summary is selected, additional criteria become available.
Search result pages are explained:
- Facility Summary Search Results.
- Compliance and Enforcement Summary Search Results.
- Emissions Summary Search Results.
Facility detail pages are explained:
- Facility Information tab.
- Compliance and Enforcement tab.
- Emissions Information tab.
- Location tab.
- AirInfo Glossary.
You can search using multiple criteria from one or more of the following categories:
- Facility ID or Company Name.
- Facility Type/Industry Group.
- SIC/North American Industry Classification (NAICS) Information.
- Geographic Location.
Helpful hints on selecting your search criteria appear below:
- You can use upper- or lower-case characters when filling out your search fields.
- After you submit your search criteria, the AirInfo webpage will return a list of all facilities that match the conditions you specified.
- You will be able to view individual facility data in more detail by using links from your search results table.
(The length of the search results table is limited to a maximum of 500 facilities. If your output exceeds this limit, you must specify additional parameters to focus your search.)
Search by Facility ID
The Facility Identification (ID) is a seven-digit numeric code that is unique to each facility. If you know the Facility ID, you can search for that specific facility. The Search Results screen will display the Facility ID for all facilities matching your search criteria.
Search by Facility/Company Name
When searching by Facility Name, try all possible variations of a facility's name. For example, if an abbreviation does not work, try using the full name (i.e., East Broward Electric Company instead of EBECO). Try using just one or two words of the facility name (i.e., cement instead of Leon County Cement Company, LLC).
Search by Facility Type or Industry Group
Facilities in the Air Resource Management System (ARMS) database are categorized into Facility Types. This type is different than a SIC or NAICS because it describes how or why we regulate the facility.
Search by SIC Code or SIC Description
SIC code: The SIC code describes the primary activity of the facility. The two-digit code available on the AirInfo Search screen defines the major business sector; that is, the type of industry (e.g., electric utility, pulp and paper, sugar mill, etc.). If you know the four-digit SIC code you may search by this code.
SIC description: If you do not know the SIC code there is a drop-down list of two-digit major group SIC codes. For ease of use, the SIC code list in AirInfo is sorted by the name of the industry category. For a full description of the SIC codes, visit the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) website which also lists the industry categories sorted by number.
Search by NAICS Code
NAICS is the standard used by federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.
NAICS was developed under the auspices of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and adopted in 1997 to replace the SIC system.
Search by Designation
- Major Sources of Air Pollution - Also called "Title V sources": Facilities which meet the definition of a major source under the state's air regulations (see Chapter 62-210, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). A major source facility as a whole, including any emissions units or pollutant-emitting activities that are exempt from air permitting and any units or activities that are authorized under an air general permit, shall not emit nor have the potential to emit 10 tons per year or more of any hazardous air pollutant, 25 tons per year or more of any combination of hazardous air pollutants, or 100 tons per year or more of any other regulated air pollutant.
- Synthetic Minor Sources of Air Pollution: Facilities that avoid major source requirements by accepting permit conditions which limit emissions below major source thresholds.
- Minor Sources of Air Pollution: Minor sources (and sources operating under an air general permit entitlement) emit pollution below the major source thresholds. Selecting minor and general permitted sources typically return many small facilities such as concrete batch plants, dry cleaners, asphalt plants and non-metallic mineral processing plants (i.e., rock crushers).
- Include Inactive Facilities (checkbox): Many facilities in the state database have been permanently shut down, are on long-term standby or are otherwise inactive. The state does not routinely inspect these facilities because they do not operate and therefore do not emit air pollution. By default, AirInfo will return only active facilities. If you know a facility exists and AirInfo is not displaying the facility on the Search results screen, try selecting this checkbox to include the inactive facilities in your search.
Search by Geographic Location
- Compliance Office: Search for facilities within one of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) six district offices or eight county-specific local air programs.
- County: To search for all the facilities in a specific county, select the appropriate county from the drop-down list.
- Address, City and Zip Code: If you know the address of the facility, or the name of the road the facility is on, you can enter that information in the "Address" box. To search for all the facilities in a specific city or zip code, enter the appropriate data. You can use part of the city name (i.e., Walton instead of Fort Walton Beach or Ft. Walton Bch). Use five-digit zip codes for searching in AirInfo.
Facility Summary Search Results
The AirInfo Facility Summary Search Results web page returns a table listing all the facilities that meet your search criteria. The facilities are initially listed in ascending order by Facility Name. You may change the order by clicking any of the ascending/descending sort arrows located under each column heading. If your search criteria result in multiple pages, then you can cycle through the results with the page navigation at the bottom of the results table.
Eight indicators are presented in the results table as column headings:
- Facility ID.
- Owner/Company Name.
- Facility/Site Name.
- Facility Status.
- Facility Address.
- Facility Compliance Status.
- Facility Type.
- Operations.
For more information about a particular facility, click Details under the Operation(s) column. That will open another page with multiple tabs: Facility Information, Compliance and Enforcement, and Emissions and Location. When you are generating a Facility Report, it will automatically open the Facility Information tab.
Compliance and Enforcement Summary Search
Search by Enforcement History
This category lets you search for facilities where violations have been found in the past. Historic data in AirInfo covers the past five years.
Search by Enforcement History
This category lets you search for facilities where violations have been found in the past. Historic data in AirInfo covers the past five years.
- Informal Enforcement Actions: The alleged violation was resolved without issuing a consent order or other formal document. Most informal enforcement actions do not involve an assessed penalty. Informal enforcement is typically reserved for first time or minor violations.
- Formal Enforcement Actions: The alleged violation was resolved through issuance of a consent order or other formal document. Most formal enforcement actions involve an assessed penalty. Formal enforcement is typically reserved for repeat offenses or significant violations.
- Note: Searching for informal enforcement and formal enforcement at the same time will only return those facilities that have had both types of enforcement actions within the selected time frames. Your search will return more facilities if you select only one type of enforcement.
Search by Penalty History
This category lets you limit your search to only those facilities with penalties assessed by either DEP or a local air program. You can also opt to limit your search to facilities that performed a supplemental environmental project to offset some of the assessed penalty. Examples of such projects include reformulation of the facility's product (pollution prevention) and paying for school bus retrofits to reduce emissions (in-kind environmental projects). Historic data in AirInfo covers the past five years.
Compliance and Enforcement Summary Search Results
The AirInfo Compliance and Enforcement Summary Results webpage returns a table listing all the facilities that meet your search criteria. The facilities are initially listed in ascending order by Facility Name. You may change the order by clicking any of the ascending/descending sort arrows located under each column heading. If your search criteria result in more than 500 facilities, you can cycle through the results with the page navigation at the bottom of the results table.
Eleven indicators are presented in the results table as column headings:
- Facility ID.
- Owner/Company Name.
- Facility/Site Name.
- Facility Address.
- Facility Compliance Status.
- Facility Type.
- Inspections (Five years).
- Violations (Five years).
- Formal Enforcement Actions (Five years).
- Penalties Assessed (Five years).
- Operations.
Compliance and Enforcement Columns for Past Five Years
Number of Inspections: Indicates the number of inspections that have taken place at the facility over the past five years. Inspections include complaint inspections, compliance inspections, follow-up inspections, on-site sampling and continuous monitor evaluations.
Violations: Indicates the number of violations that have been discovered at a facility over the past five years.
Formal Enforcement Actions: Displays how many formal enforcement actions have been brought against the facility within the past five years. Formal enforcement actions mean that the alleged violation was resolved through issuance of a consent order or other formal document. Most formal enforcement actions involve an assessed penalty. Formal enforcement is typically reserved for repeat offenses or significant violations.
Penalties Assessed: Displays the total amount of penalties assessed at the facility over the past five years. The penalty assessed includes dollars assessed as a penalty as well as dollars spent on supplemental environmental projects to offset some of the assessed penalty. Examples of such projects include reformulation of the facility's product (pollution prevention) and paying for school bus retrofits to reduce emissions (in-kind environmental projects).
Note: You may click on a column heading to sort the results list by the corresponding column in either ascending or descending order. At the bottom of the search results table, you may click the Back to Search Criteria link to return to the Search page.
AirInfo also includes the following information on the Search Results page:
- Number of facilities displayed.
- Search criteria used.
- Date the report was run.
For more information about a particular facility, select Details under the Operation(s) column. That will open another page with multiple tabs: Facility Information, Compliance and Enforcement, and Emissions and Location. When you are generating a Compliance and Enforcement Summary Report, it will automatically open the Compliance and Enforcement tab.
The emissions profile allows you to search the data by specifying annual emissions for individual pollutants. These pollutants include carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter 10 (PM10), sulfur dioxide (SO2), volatile organic compounds (VOC) and any individual hazardous air pollutants (HAP). Each pollutant contains a dropdown list of annual emissions quantity that you can select to filter your data search criteria. You can set one pollutant emission or multiple pollutants emissions. The defaulted setting will be "Show All Emissions."
Emissions Summary Search Results
The Emissions Summary Results page displays a list of facilities that meet the search criteria. It displays basic facility information and pollutants that include CO, NOx, PM10, SO2, VOC and an individual HAP that may have been selected from the search page. The last column displays a link to view emissions details for each facility.
In addition to the pollutants selected in the search, the following indicators are presented in the results table as column headings:
- Facility ID.
- Owner/Company Name.
- Facility Site/Name.
- Facility Status.
- Facility Type.
- Operations.
At the bottom of the results page a summary of the emissions totals for the listed pollutants will be displayed for the facilities that met the search criteria.
AirInfo also includes the following information on the Search Results page:
- Number of facilities displayed.
- Search criteria used.
- Date the report was run.
For more information about a particular facility, click Details under the Operation(s) column. That will open another page with multiple tabs: Facility Information, Compliance and Enforcement, and Emissions and Location. When you are generating an Emissions Summary Report, it will automatically open the Emissions Information tab.
When the report opens at this tab, the General Facility Information section is displayed at the top of the page and the Active Permits and Authorizations section is below it.
Facility Detail - Active Permits and Authorizations
This section of the facility detail report lists all active permits and authorizations for the facility. The table includes permits that have been issued and that have not expired as well as authorizations that have become effective and have not expired. Expired permits or authorizations are not listed.
There is a unique ID number for each active permit or authorization. The code consists of 10 numbers followed by two letters. The first seven numbers identify the specific facility; they are the same as the Facility ID number. The next three numbers identify the particular project (permit or authorization) for that facility. The final two letters indicate the type of project.
For active permits the ID number is a link to the Air Permit Document Search (APDS) webpage. You may click the link to open the APDS search page in a separate window. The permit number and Facility ID will be pre-filled and ready for you to perform a search in APDS. For General Permit authorizations, the ID number is also a link which provides an option to display the specific rule requirements for Rule 62-210.310, F.A.C.
Identifies the project (permit or authorization) type. The project types include the following:
- Construction (permit) - AC: Issued to build a new facility or modify an existing facility.
- Federally enforceable State-issued Operating Permit (FESOP) - AF: Similar to an operating permit, but because it is federally enforceable, it is used to establish synthetic minor limits.
- General Permit (Authorization) - AGP: Some facilities are eligible to operate under an air general permit. This is an authorization by rule to construct or operate a specific type of air pollutant emitting facility.
- Operating (Permit) - AO: Issued to authorize continued operation of a facility after it has been constructed.
- Title V (Air Operation Permit) - AV: A federally mandated state-issued operating permit. These are typically large, complex permits issued to major sources of air pollution.
Subtype Description
Identifies the permit or authorization sub type, which provides more detail about the type of permit or authorization. The project subtypes include the following:
- Admin Correction: Minor administrative changes to the permit, such as renumbering paragraphs or updating phone numbers or mailing addresses of the permittee.
- Construction: Standard construction permit allowing a new facility or modification to an existing facility.
- Initial: Initial Title V air operation permit issued to an existing facility that became subject to the Title V program or to a new facility that is subject to the Title V program.
- Minor Modification: A minor modification to an existing facility.
- Non-Title V GP: Identifies a source operating under a non-Title V (regular) air general permit entitlement.
- Operating: Standard operating permit allowing continuing operation of a facility after it has been constructed.
- PSD: Construction permit issued pursuant to the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) program. These permits establish Best Available Control Technology limitations for major pollutants.
- Renewal: Renewal Title V air operation permit. Title V permits must be renewed every five years, and the renewal permitting process is as thorough as the initial permitting process.
- Revision: Modification to the Title V air operation permit.
- Title V GP: Identifies a source operating under a Title V air general permit entitlement.
- Transfer: Transfer of ownership of the facility.
Project Name
Contains a descriptive narrative of the particular project (permit or authorization). This field may be blank for a given project.
Issued/Effective and Expiration Date
Identifies the date that the permit was issued (or, for air general permits, that the authorization became effective). Also identifies the expiration date for the active permit or authorization.
Compliance and Enforcement tab
When the report opens at this tab, the General Facility Information section is displayed at the top of the page and the following reports underneath.
Five Year Summary
Formal Enforcement Actions: Displays how many formal enforcement actions have been brought against the facility within the past five years. Formal enforcement actions means that the alleged violation was resolved through issuance of a consent order or other formal document. Most formal enforcement actions involve an assessed penalty. Formal enforcement is typically reserved for repeat offenses or significant violations.
Penalties Assessed: Displays the total amount of penalties assessed at the facility over the past five years. The penalty assessed includes dollars assessed as a penalty as well as dollars spent on supplemental environmental projects to offset some of the assessed penalty. Examples of such projects include reformulation of the facility’s product (pollution prevention) and paying for school bus retrofits to reduce emissions (in-kind environmental projects).
Five Year Inspection History
Date: Indicates the date of the on-site inspection.
Compliance Office: Indicates which office performed the inspection, either one of DEP's six district offices or eight local air programs.
Inspection Type and Inspection Description: Indicates the type of inspection performed. On-site inspection types include the following:
- Complaint Inspection: Inspection initiated to respond to a citizen complaint about the facility.
- Compliance Inspection: Standard inspection by DEP or local program compliance inspectors. The goal of this type of inspection is to determine compliance with applicable air pollution control regulations for either all or a portion of the facility. Compliance inspections are routine and scheduled, but often unannounced to the facility.
- Continuous Monitor Evaluation: Specialized inspection to evaluate the performance of a facility's continuous emission monitoring system.
- Follow-up Inspection: Inspection in response to potential problems found during a routine compliance inspection or a complaint inspection.
Facility in Compliance at Time of Inspection?: Indicates whether the inspector determined the facility to be in compliance ("No") or to be in minor or significant noncompliance ("Yes").
Five Year Compliance and Enforcement History
Date Violation Discovered: This is the date used to track the violation; it is the date the violation was discovered by DEP or local program staff. The discovery date is a clickable link. Select the violation date to pull up the facility violation detail screen for that violation.
Discovery Method: Indicates how the violation was discovered. Not all violations are discovered through on-site inspections. The methods of violation discovery include the following:
- Review of Tests, Records or Reports: Facilities are required to submit records detailing their operation and emissions. A review of submitted records can sometimes reveal noncompliance. Failure to submit a required record is also considered noncompliance.
- Inspection: Violation discovered during an on-site inspection or related activity.
- Continuous Emission Monitor: Some facilities are required to maintain a monitoring system that continuously measures and records the amount of air pollution being emitted. Reviewing data from these monitors can sometimes reveal noncompliance. Failure to operate and maintain a required monitor is also considered noncompliance.
Dollars Assessed: Indicates the penalty assessed by DEP or a local program in response to noncompliance. The figure includes the recovery of any costs incurred by DEP or the local program during the investigation of the noncompliance.
Not all violations are resolved with an assessed penalty. If no penalty was assessed, this field will display a note saying, "No Penalty."
Environmental Project Dollars: Indicates the dollar amount spent on supplemental environmental projects to offset some of the penalty that would otherwise have been assessed. Examples of such projects include reformulation of the facility's product (pollution prevention) and paying for school bus retrofits to reduce emissions (in-kind environmental projects). The figure in the environmental project dollars field may represent the entire dollar amount spent on the project (i.e., not just the amount of the project that offset a penalty). Investigation costs incurred by DEP, or the local programs cannot be offset through environmental projects.
Total Penalty Assessed: Displays the total penalty assessed (i.e., the total financial impact on the company in response to the noncompliance). Total penalty assessed is the sum of dollars assessed (which includes penalty plus investigation costs) and environmental project dollars (which includes pollution prevention and in-kind environmental projects).
For example, if a facility was originally assessed $30,000, DEP or the local program may have allowed the facility to perform a supplemental environmental project. Some projects can offset an assessed penalty 1:1, while others require more to be spent on the project (1.5:1) than was originally assessed. If the facility offset $10,000 of the original assessment through a 1.5:1 project, then the Five-Year Compliance and Enforcement History will display the following:
- Dollars assessed = $20,000 (the original $30,000 minus the $10,000 offset).
- Environmental project dollars = $15,000 (1.5 times the $10,000 offset).
- Total penalty assessed = $35,000 (the total financial impact of the noncompliance).
Operation(s): Click Details to display a facility's Detailed and Summary Information for the Violation, a list of the Violation Activities, Sources and Penalty details.
When this page opens, the General Facility Information section is displayed at the top of the page followed by: Summary Information for the Violation, a list of the Violation Activities, and Sources and Penalty details.
The information is a copy of an internal report that displays information about how a particular violation was discovered, what actions were taken in response, how the violation was resolved and what penalties – if any – were assessed. At the bottom of the facility violations detail screen, you may click the New Search link to return to the Search page.
Violation Summary
The violation summary section of the facility violation detail screen contains the following information:
Violation Office: Indicates which office discovered the violation, either one of DEP's six district offices or eight local air programs.
Discovered Date: Indicates the discovery date of the violation.
Cash Balance Due: The unpaid portion of any assessed penalty.
Violation Description: A brief narrative description of the violation.
Violation Status: Indicates whether the violation is open, resolved or closed.
Violation Activities
The violation activities section of the facility violation detail screen lists the activities associated with the violation. The first activity listed is usually the initiating activity (i.e., the inspection or records review conducted that discovered the violation.) The violation activities table then lists the follow-up activities, through resolution and culminating with closing the case.
Case closed occurs sometime after the case is resolved; resolved means DEP or the local program has addressed the violation either informally or formally. Case closed means all penalties have been collected and all follow-up activities have been completed. Depending on the circumstance, a violation may be resolved for a significant period of time before it is closed (For example, a facility may be on a payment plan to settle a large penalty.)
Initiating Activity: Indicates which activity was the initiating activity( i.e., the activity associated with the violation discovery date).
Activity Type: Identifies the scope of the activity. The activity types include the following:
- INSP: On-site compliance inspection.
- TRPT: Review of tests, records or reports. Generally, this is not associated with an on-site compliance inspection.
- AOR: Review of the Annual Operating Report (AOR), a special report requiring the facility to document its annual production, operation, and emissions.
- CEMS: Review of Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) data.
- RESV: Resolution activity associated with moving the case through the enforcement process.
Activity Description: Describes the specific activities undertaken in response to the violation. Typically, the activities listed will follow this general pattern:
- Initiating Activity: The activity description will identify the type of inspection that was performed, the specific test report or record that was reviewed, etc.
- Enforcement Process Activities: The data will reflect any issued warning letters, noncompliance letters, settlement meetings held and other similar activities.
- Resolving Activity: The violation is resolved either through informal enforcement, Compliance Without Formal Enforcement Action (CWOE) or through formal enforcement (usually some sort of consent order is executed).
- Closing Activity: After all penalties have been collected and all follow-up activities have been completed, the case will be closed considered Case Closed by District or Local (CCDL).
Activity Completion Date: Indicates the date of the specific activity.
Initial Compliance Status: Indicates the change in compliance status of the facility over time. The initiating activity will set the facility's compliance status to either Minor Noncompliance (NMC) or Significant Noncompliance (SNC).
Current Compliance Status: Once the resolving activity is entered, the facility's compliance status will reset to "IN" compliance.
Complaint Lodged Against and Complaint Number: If the violation is the result of a complaint investigation, these fields will display who the complaint was lodged against and what number was assigned to the complaint for tracking purposes. The fields will be blank if the violation did not result from the investigation of a complaint.
Document(s): Select View to open a document(s) associated with the violation (e.g., inspection reports, warning letters, etc.)
Source Type: Indicates whether the violation is associated with specific emission units or with the facility as a whole. Emission units are discrete subsets of the facility. For example, a coal-fired electric utility plant is a facility, and the plant's individual boilers are distinct emission units of that facility.
Emission Unit # : The identifying number of the emission source.
Source Description: If the violation is associated with specific emission units, the table will contain a description of the applicable emission units.
Violation Type: Indicates the type of violation, using self-explanatory language.
Penalties: The AirInfo web page will display a notice if no penalties were assessed for the specific violation. If penalties were assessed, AirInfo will display the following information about the penalty:
Penalty Activity: Identifies the activity performed through which the penalty was assessed (typically the execution of a consent order).
Date Performed: Date the penalty was assessed.
Total Assessed: Total penalty cost.
Penalty Status: Indicates whether the penalty has been assessed or paid.
Cash Balance Outstanding: Amount still due at the time the report was generated.
Penalty: Identifies whether the dollar amount displayed on that row of the penalties table is an assessed amount, amount due or amount paid.
Type: There are four types of dollar amounts that might be displayed in the penalties table:
- CASH: This is a financial penalty assessed by DEP or the local program in response to noncompliance.
- COST: This is the costs of the investigation incurred by DEP or the local program.
- INKD: This is an in-kind (INKD) environmental project such as paying to retrofit school buses and reduce their emissions that offsets an otherwise assessed penalty at a ratio of 1.5:1.
- PPRV: This is a Pollution Prevention Project (PPRV) such as reformulation of the facility's product to use inherently less polluting materials that offsets an otherwise assessed penalty at a ratio of 1:1.
Amount: Dollar amount assessed, due or paid.
Date: Date of the assessment, due date or date of payment.
10-Year History of Actual Annual Emissions (Tons Per Year)
This page displays the full list of pollutants for the facility selected for the time frame designated in the Search screen. Facilities that are required to submit an Annual Operating Report must submit data for the previous calendar year by April 1. The most recent year is the most recent year emissions data is available.
In addition, you can export the results to Excel or to a PDF file.
Single Year Actual Annual Emissions (Tons Per Year)
This page displays the full list of pollutants for the facility selected for the time frame designated in the search screen. Facilities that are required to submit an Annual Operating Report (AOR) must submit data for the previous calendar year by April 1st. The most recent year is the most recent year emissions data is available.
In addition, you can export the results to MS Excel or export the data to a PDF file.
This option displays the facility location on a map based on the coordinates stored in Air Resource Management System (ARMS), the division's data system.
Term | Description |
AOR | Annual Operating Report |
ARMS | Air Resource Management System (Database) |
Compliance Office | Location of Office responsible for Facility oversight, DEP's six district offices or eight local program offices |
DARM | Division of Air Resource Management |
DEP | Florida Department of Environmental Protection |
Designation(s) | Size of the facility, based on its potential to emit air pollutants.
Facility Characteristics | Facility details, such as name, owner, location, ID, etc. |
Facility ID | Seven-digit numeric code that is unique to each facility. |
Facility Status | Facility Operating Status can be Active, Inactive, Construction or Unpermitted. |
Formal Enforcement | Alleged violation was resolved through issuance of a consent order or other formal document. |
Geographical Location | Compliance office, county, address or zip code for a location. |
Industry Group | Facilities grouped by primary activity. |
Informal Enforcement | Alleged violation was resolved without issuing a consent order or other formal document. |
NAICS Code/Description | North American Industrial Classification System, the economic classification system that replaces the 1987 SIC code system. |
Penalty History | Dollar amount of previous penalties assessed. |
Regulatory Classification | May indicate: Title V Source, Synthetic Non-Title V Source, Major of Non-HAP Pollutants, Syn Minor of Non-HAP Pollutants, Major of HAPs, Syn Minor of HAPs, NESHAP, NSPS, Emission Guidelines, Small Business Stationary and/or Title V Solely by EPA Designation. |
SIC Code/Description | Standard Industrial Classification – describes the primary activity of the facility. |
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