NamePosition Title and DescriptionPhone
Ben RalysEnvironmental Consultant - Evaluates new and existing Reasonable Assurance Plans (RAPs or Category 4b Plans) and Pollutant Reduction Plans (Category 4e Plans).850-245-8443
Kevin O'DonnellProgram Administrator of the Water Quality Evaluation and TMDL Program (WQETP), consisting of the Watershed Assessment and Total Maximum Daily Load sections; coordinates the overall planning, design and implementation of all program activities.850-245-8469
Jessica MostynEnvironmental Administrator - Leads the Watershed Assessment Section; coordinates the overall planning, design and implementation of all section activities.850-245-8441
Eric SimpsonEnvironmental Administrator - Leads the Total Maximum Daily Load Section; coordinates the overall planning, design and implementation of all section activities.850-245-8466
VacantEnvironmental Specialist III - Evaluates new and existing Reasonable Assurance Plans (RAPs or Category 4b Plans) and Pollutant Reduction Plans (Category 4e Plans).850-245-8556


Last Modified: Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025 - 02:58pm