This table contains a statewide comprehensive list of the accepted Pollutant Reduction Plans.  Updates to this table are made in unison with the Alternative Restoration Plans GIS layer and the Biennial Assessment listing updates.   

Waterbody Name(s)Waterbody Identification Number(s) (WBIDs)Parameter(s) Addressed by PlanPollutant Reduction Plan NamePlan Accepted Year
Alligator Creek (Tidal Segment), Alligator Creek2030, 2030AChlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Macrophytes, Dissolved Oxygen (Percent Saturation)Alligator Creek WBID 2030 TMDL Implementation Plan2020
Anclote River Tidal, Anclote River Bayou Complex (Spring Bayou)1440, 1440AEnterococci, Chlorophyll a, Total NitrogenAnclote River Pollutant Reduction Plan2018
Bellows Lake (East Lake)1579AChlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Total PhosphorusSupplemental Stormwater Management Plan WBID 1579A Bellows Lake2021
Billy Creek (Marine Segment), Billy Creek (Freshwater Segment), Ford Street Canal, Shoemaker and Zapato Canals, Manuel Branch3240J1, 3240J2, 3240J3, 3240J4, 3240VEnterococci, Escherichia ColiBilly Creek and Manuel Branch Pollutant Reduction Plan2021
Braden River Above Ward Lake1914Chlorophyll a, Dissolved Oxygen (Percent Saturation)Braden River Water Management Plan Final Report2009
Caloosahatchee Estuary (Tidal Segment2), Chapel Creek/Bayshore Creek, Daughtrey Creek, Powell Creek, Popash Creek3240B, 3240B1, 3240F, 3240L, 3240QEnterococci, Escherichia ColiCaloosahatchee River Segment22024
Crescent Lake1700ABiology, Chlorophyll a, Total PhosphorusCrescent Lake Pollutant Reduction Plan2021
Crystal Lake1497AChlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Total PhosphorusCrystal Lake TMDL Implementation Document2018
Danforth Creek3215Dissolved Oxygen (Percent Saturation), Total PhosphorusDanforth Creek Pollutant Reduction Plan2019
Deep Lagoon Canal, Whiskey (Wyoua) Creek, H Canal, L Canal3240A4, 3240H1, 3240H2, 3240H3Enterococci, Escherichia Coli, CopperWhiskey (Wyoua) Creek Pollutant Reduction Plan2023
Duck Key, Taylor Slough, Manatee Bay, Barnes Sound, Long Sound, Little Blackwater Sound, Blackwater Sound, Western Florida Bay, Central Florida Bay, Southern Florida Bay, East Central Florida Bay, Eastern Back Bay, Western Bay Side, Southern Bay Side6016, 3303B1, 6002, 6003, 6005, 6005A, 6005B, 8077B, 8077C, 8077D, 8077E, 8077F, 8077G, 8077HDissolved Oxygen (Percent Saturation), Chlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Total PhosphorusFlorida Keys Reasonable Assurance Documentation2018
Gulf of America (Cedar Key)8037DChlorophyll aCedar Key Pollutant Reduction Plan2020
Hancock Creek, Yellow Fever Canals, Yellow Fever Creek3240E1, 3240EA, 3240EBDissolved Oxygen (Percent Saturation), Escherichia Coli, Enterococci, Copper, Total PhosphorusYellow Fever Creek Pollutant Reduction Plan2023
Joe's Creek1668AMacrophytesJoe's Creek TMDL Implementation Plan2018
Lake Arnold3168Z3Chlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Total PhosphorusLake Arnold Pollutant Reduction Plan2020
Lake Bass3168FChlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Total PhosphorusLake Bass Pollutant Reduction Plan2021
Lake Bonnet1537ABiology, Lead, Chlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Total PhosphorusLake Bonnet Pollutant Reduction Plan2021
Lake Concord2994KChlorophyll a, Total PhosphorusLake Concord Pollutant Reduction Plan2021
Lake Deeson1449AChlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Total PhosphorusLake Deeson Pollutant Reduction Plan2024
Lake Eva15101Chlorophyll a, Total NitrogenLake Eva Pollutant Reduction Plan2020
Lake Gibson1497DChlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Total PhosphorusLake Gibson Pollutant Reduction Plan2023
Lake Howell2997BBiology, Chlorophyll aLake Howell Management Plan2018
Lake Idyl1488RChlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Total PhosphorusLake Idyl Pollutant Reduction Plan2024
Lake Kanturk, Lake Killarney, Lake Kinsale647F, 647J, 647KChlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Total PhosphorusKillearn Chain of Lakes Pollutant Reduction Plan2016
Lake Lafayette (Upper Segment)756FDissolved Oxygen (Percent Saturation), Fecal Coliform, Chlorophyll a, Total PhosphorusLake Lafayette Pollutant Reduction Plan2013
Lake Maggiore1731AChlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, Specific ConductanceLake Maggiore Pollutant Reduction Plan2009
Lake Mirror1497GChlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Total PhosphorusLake Mirror Pollutant Reduction Plan2021
Lake Morton1497HChlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Total PhosphorusLake Morton Pollutant Reduction Plan2021
Lake Orlando3004KBiology, Chlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Total PhosphorusLake Orlando Pollution Reduction Plan2020
Lake Parker1497BBiology, Chlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Total PhosphorusLake Parker Pollutant Reduction Plan2021
Lake Prima Vista3002EBiology, Chlorophyll a, Total NitrogenLake Prima Vista Pollution Reduction Plan2019
Lake Smart1488ABiology, Chlorophyll a, Total NitrogenLake Smart Pollutant Reduction Plan2024
Lake Tohopekaliga, East Lake Tohopekaliga3173A, 3172Biology, Chlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Total PhosphorusLake Tohopekaliga Nutrient Reduction Plan2011
Lake Weston3011AChlorophyll a, Total PhosphorusLake Weston Pollutant Reduction Plan2021
Little Lake Hamilton, Middle Lake Hamilton, Lake Hamilton15001, 15002, 15041Biology, Chlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Total PhosphorusLake Hamilton Chain of Lakes Pollutant Reduction Plan2021
Long Branch1627Biology, Dissolved Oxygen (Percent Saturation), Escherichia coli, Macrophytes, Total PhosphorusLong Branch Creek Bacteria Pollution Control Plan2019
Loxahatchee River (Jonathan Dickinson State Park), Loxahatchee River (North Fork Lower), Kitchings Creek, Cypress Creek, Moonshine Creek, Jupiter Inlet, Loxahatchee River (Northwest Fork), Loxahatchee River (Southwest Fork), Sims Creek, Jones Creek, Sims Canal, Jones Creek Tidal, North Fork Loxahatchee River (Marine Segment), Loxahatchee River Above Cypress Creek, Loxahatchee River (Northwest Fork), Tidal Creek to Loxahatchee River3224, 3224A1, 3224B, 3224C1, 3224C2, 3226, 3226A, 3226C1, 3226C2, 3226C3, 3226C4, 3226C5, 3226D, 3230, 3230A1, 3232ADissolved Oxygen (Percent Saturation), Chlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, Algal Mats, Escherichia Coli, Enterococci, Fecal Coliform, Fecal Coliform (3)Loxahatchee River Pollutant Reduction Plan2020
Marco Island3278OTotal NitrogenMarco Island Pollutant Reduction Plan2023
Owens Branch1675Chlorophyll a, Dissolved Oxygen (Percent Saturation)Owens Branch2009
Perdido Bay (Upper Segment)797Chlorophyll aPerdido Bay Pollutant Reduction Plan2018
Perdido River (South Marine)462AChlorophyll aPerdido River Pollutant Reduction Plan2018
Pine Meadows Conservation Area2815Dissolved Oxygen (Percent Saturation)Pine Meadows Restoration Pollutant Reduction Plan2020
Reedy Creek in WCID (Lower)3170F7Escherichia ColiReedy Creek in RCID (Lower)2010
Rocky Bayou722Total NitrogenRocky Bayou Pollutant Reduction Plan2017
Saddle Creek Below Lake Hancock1623KChlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Dissolved Oxygen (Percent Saturation)Saddle Creek2019
Salt Creek1731BChlorophyll aSalt Creek Pollutant Reduction Plan2009
Seminole Bypass Canal1618DChlorophyll aLake Seminole Watershed Reasonable Assurance Plan2018
Southwest Emeralda Marsh Conservation Area2809Dissolved Oxygen (Percent Saturation)West Emeralda Marsh Conservation Area2009
Sweetwater Creek (Tidal Segment), Pepper Mound Creek, Woods Creek, Tampa Bay Channel1570A, 1577A, 1587A, 1601AChlorophyll a, Dissolved Oxygen (Percent Saturation)Courtney Campbell Causeway2019
Ten Thousand Islands, Faka Union (Marine Segment), Barron River (Marine Segment)3259M1, 3259M2, 3259M3Dissolved Oxygen (Percent Saturation), Chlorophyll a, Total Nitrogen, Total PhosphorusTen Thousand Islands Pollutant Reduction Plan2019
Tenmile Creek3194ABiology, Chlorophyll a, Macrophytes, Total Phosphorus, Dissolved Oxygen (Percent Saturation)Tenmile Creek Pollutant Reduction Plan2019
West Emeralda Marsh Conservation Area2811Dissolved Oxygen (Percent Saturation)Lake Griffin TMDL Implementation Plan2009
Willoughby Creek3208BChlorophyll a, EnterococciWilloughby Creek Pollutant Reduction Plan2021
Last Modified: Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025 - 09:26am