DEP SOP Training at TREEO Center

DEP SOP Training at the TREEO Center is available twice a year. For any questions on this training opportunity, contact Jessica Patronis (DEP) or Areiole Williams (TREEO).

DEP SOP Video Trainings

DEP SOP Recorded Webinar Trainings

  • DEP Requirements for Field Testing and Surface Water Sampling (33 min, 2016) - For aquatic preserves and SEAS samplers. This webinar discusses the basics of surface water sampling and field-testing requirements. This training is specifically geared towards Shellfish Harvesting area program staff collecting samples on behalf of DEP programs. 
  • DEP Webinar on Introduction to DEP Quality Plans (18 min, 2020) - This webinar provides an overview on DEP quality plans required per DEP Directive 972 and DEP SOP FA 3300. This training will cover what a quality plan is, why it is necessary, who should have one, and lays out what information goes into a quality plan.
  • DEP Webinar on Field Testing SOPs (40 min, 2020) - This webinar discusses field testing requirements found in the FT series, including calibration, verification and acceptance criteria. We discuss SOP requirements for conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, chlorine and turbidity. (DEP SOPs FT 1000, FT 1100, FT 1200, FT 1300, FT 1400, FT 1500, FT 1600, FT 2000)
  • DEP Webinar on Groundwater Sampling (47 min, 2020) - This webinar describes various groundwater scenarios and the appropriate purge techniques. We discuss purging requirements, stabilization criteria, and the associated documentation requirements. (FS 2200)
  • DEP Webinar on Basic Data Review (28 min, 2020) - In this webinar we discuss basic QA requirements per the QA rule and the DEP SOPs. This webinar also identifies and defines common data qualifiers. 

QA Training Presentations 

Waste Cleanup Workshop, May 3 - June 1, 2007

Last Modified: Wednesday, Jan 29, 2025 - 03:46pm