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Sediment Guidelines

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has been involved with assessment of sediment quality data for over three decades. In contrast to surface waters and ground waters, sediments have no federal or state standards or criteria. In the absence of standards, Florida has produced guidance documents to assist scientists and managers interpret sediment quality data.

Marine/Estuarine Guidelines:

Florida Sediment Quality Assessment Guidance Documents for Coastal and Estuarine Sediments

  • A Guide To The Interpretation Of Metal Concentrations In Estuarine Sediments. Published in 1988, this document presents a geochemical normalization tool for metals that often are found in high concentrations in coastal waters affected by human activity. The tool may be used to determine potential harm to bottom-dwelling organisms
  • Approach to the Assessment of Sediment Quality in Florida Coastal Waters. (Volumes I,II & III)  Published in 1994, this document provides department staff and the public with biological effects-based sediment quality assessment guidelines (SQAGs) for Florida’s coastal and estuarine sediments based on biological effects. These guidelines may be used to identify priority areas for non-point source management actions and to design wetland restoration projects.  

Volume 1:  Development and Evaluation Of Sediment Quality Assessment Guidelines 

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Florida's Coast: A National Treasure 
Chapter 3: An Evaluation of Existing Approaches to Developing Numerical Sediment Quality Guidelines

Chapter 4: A Recommended Approach for Deriving and Validating Effects-Based Sediment Quality Assessment Guidelines in Florida

Chapter 5: Derivation of Numerical Sediment Quality Assessment Guidelines for Florida Coastal Wasters Using the Weight of Evidence Approach

Chapter 6: Numerical Sediment Quality Assessment Guidelines for Florida Coastal Waters

Chapter 7: An Evaluation of the Sediment Quality Assessment Guidelines for Florida Coastal Waters

Chapter 8: Summary and Recommendations

Volume 2:  Application of the Sediment Quality Assessment Guidelines 

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Potential Applications of the Recommended Sediment Quality Assessment Guidelines

Chapter 3: A Framework for Assessing Site-Specific Sediment Quality Conditions in Florida

Chapter 4: An Initial Assessment of the Potential for Biological Effects of Sediment-Associated Contaminants in Florida Coastal Waters

Chapter 5: Recommendations

Volume 3: Supporting Documentation: Biological Effects Database for Sediment

Other Documents: 


Freshwater Guidelines:

Florida Sediment Quality Assessment Guidance Documents for Freshwater Sediments

 DEP has formulated detailed guidance of the assessment of contaminated sediments in fresh waters. The three-volume guidance manual provides:

  • Volume I - An Ecosystem-Based Framework for Assessing and Managing Contaminated Sediments 
  • Volume II - Design and Implementation of Sediment Quality Investigations 
  • Volume III - Interpretation of the Results of Sediment Quality Investigations 
Last Modified:
September 10, 2024 - 8:02am

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