The Status Monitoring Network measures Florida’s freshwater conditions with a known statistical confidence. In this Network, water samples are collected at random and unbiased locations. This is a cost-effective way to estimate statewide water quality without surveying every well and waterbody. The Status Network provides valuable data for more in-depth investigations, such as setting goals for specific districts and water quality indicators.

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Each year, the department works with water management districts and county governments to take samples from each of six zones. Field staff collect samples from seven resource types:

  • Small lakes (10-25 acres).

  • Large lakes (over 25 acres).

  • Rivers.

  • Streams.

  • Canals.

  • Confined aquifer wells.

  • Unconfined aquifer wells plus spring vents.

Each resource is sampled during the same month(s) or “Index Period” each year, which allows for direct comparisons over time. Samples are analyzed for water quality indicators such as nutrients, bacteria and metals. Nearly 700 samples are collected each year.

The Watershed Monitoring Section makes every effort to ensure data accuracy. The program maintains comprehensive Data Analysis Procedures for Annual Assessments and Data Management Protocols, as well as a Quality Assurance Manual and Sampling Manual. The department’s Central Laboratory performs sample analyses for the program. Status Monitoring Network data comprise an important part of Florida’s Integrated [303(d) / 305(b)] Report. The department submits this report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as required by the Clean Water Act. The report informs Congress and the public about the health of our water resources.

For more information, please call us at 850-245-8080.

Last Modified: Saturday, Dec 14, 2024 - 03:49pm