To assist you in finding the forms you need, we have grouped them according to the Division. Use the search option to search by Form Name. If you're looking for a publication, please search the Publications page.

Form # Title Division Program Area Form Instructions Effective-Revision Date
62C-39 Form 3 Division of Water Resource Management Mining and Mitigation Program
7 Division of Water Resource Management Oil and Gas Program
73-100 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Coastal Construction Control Line Program
73-101 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Coastal Construction Control Line Program
73-111 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Coastal Construction Control Line Program
73-113 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Coastal Construction Control Line Program
73-114B Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Coastal Construction Control Line Program
73-115B Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Coastal Construction Control Line Program
73-500 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Beaches, Inlets and Ports Program
73-501 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Coastal Construction Control Line Program
8 Division of Water Resource Management Oil and Gas Program
9 Division of Water Resource Management Oil and Gas Program
AC Bid App Division of Waste Management Petroleum Restoration Program
Application for Transfer of a Permit Division of Waste Management Permitting and Compliance Assistance Program
ASA-A Division of Waste Management Waste Cleanup Program
ASA-B Division of Waste Management Office of District and Business Support
ASA-C Division of Waste Management Waste Cleanup Program
ASA-D Division of Waste Management Waste Cleanup Program
ATC Alternative Email Form Division of Waste Management Petroleum Restoration Program
ATRP Application Division of Waste Management Petroleum Restoration Program
ATRP Certification Division of Waste Management Petroleum Restoration Program
Beta v2 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Beaches, Inlets and Ports Program TurbidityFormInstructions_BetaV2_06162022.pdf
Beta v2 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Beaches, Inlets and Ports Program TurbidityFormInstructions_BetaV2_06162022.pdf
C Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Florida Coastal Management Program Instructions for completing the Payment Request Form
CBP-brochure Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Clean Marina Program
Changeform2022 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Clean Marina Program
CM-001 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Clean Marina Program
CM-003 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Clean Marina Program
CMAP revised 2021 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Clean Marina Program
CMP1-25-22 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Resilient Florida Program
CR Presentation Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Clean Marina Program
CVA 01 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Clean Vessel Act Grant Program
CVA 02 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Clean Vessel Act Grant Program
CVA 04 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Clean Vessel Act Grant Program
CVA 05 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Clean Vessel Act Grant Program
CVA 06 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Clean Vessel Act Grant Program
CVA 08 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Clean Vessel Act Grant Program
CVA 5Yr 2022 Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Clean Vessel Act Grant Program
DEP 4057 Division of Water Resource Management Onsite Sewage Program
DEP 4075 Division of Water Resource Management Onsite Sewage Program
DEP 4075 Application Packet Division of Water Resource Management Onsite Sewage Program
DEP 4076 Division of Water Resource Management Onsite Sewage Program
DEP 4077 Division of Water Resource Management Onsite Sewage Program
DEP 4105 Division of Water Resource Management Onsite Sewage Program
DEP 4105 Division of Water Resource Management Onsite Sewage Program
DEP 4115 Division of Water Resource Management Onsite Sewage Program
DEP 4116 Division of Water Resource Management Onsite Sewage Program
DEP 51-221A Office of the Secretary Office of the Secretary (General)
DEP 51-221B Office of the Secretary Office of the Secretary (General)
DEP 51-221C Office of the Secretary Office of the Secretary (General)