
In accordance with sections 216.052, 253.0325 and 253.87 Florida Statutes (F.S.), The Florida State Owned Lands and Records Information System (FL-SOLARIS) was developed and implemented by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in collaboration with the Florida Department of Management Services (DMS) to record and maintain the inventory of real estate properties (including both land and facilities) that are “owned, leased, rented or otherwise occupied” by any state government entity.

When the most recent component system (CLEAR), was implemented (DMS was not involved with the project for that development) the users and the entities providing the data grew beyond the “state” designation to include federal, county, municipal, special districts and other entities.

As of August 2018, there are more than 1,000 users for the various FL-SOLARIS systems in more than 350 entities.

The Florida State-Owned Lands and Records Information System (FL-SOLARIS) currently features the following five component systems:

  1. Facility Inventory Tracking System (FITS) - available since 2012, containing all Florida state facility and facility lease data for Florida state agencies, water management districts, BOG universities, FCS colleges and the judicial branch, not including DOT transportation facilities. There is an annual data refresh requirement; all updates must be completed by June 30. See the Facility Inventory Tracking System Qlik (FITSQ) public-facing app for more information.

  2. Lands Inventory Tracking System (LITS) - available since 2013, with land data (owned, leased, disposed, otherwise occupied and surplus) for Florida state agencies, water management districts, FCS colleges and the judicial branch, not including DOT right of way land. There is an annual data refresh requirement; all updates must be completed by June 30.

  3. Conservation Lands, Easements and Recreation (CLEAR) - available since September 2017, containing conservation owned and conservation easement lands for federal, municipal, county, special districts, and other entities as specified in 253.87, Florida Statutes (F.S.). The data refresh requirement is every five years.

  4.  Land and Facilities Inventory Search (aka the FL-SOLARIS Public Interface) - available to the public since 2014, allows for a view of the entire state to see owned lands (shaded for each agency) and lands designated as surplus. Also provides facility leases details and surplus property data for both State lands and facilities via the Department’s website. Facility Leases are not entered via FITS. Most agencies’ leasing operations are already under DMS purview and that leasing data will be transmitted to FITS by DMS.

  5. Public Lands Inventory (PLI) - available since 2012, allows viewing the publicly held inventory lands within the State of Florida as reported by the individual county tax offices.