What is the History and Background of FL-SOLARIS?

In 1990, the Florida Legislature enacted Florida Statute 253.0325, which required the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to develop a computerized system for its state lands records. Specifically, this system was to contain records and documents for lands where the title was vested in the Board of Trustees (BOT). DEP, acting as staff for the BOT, contracted with a company to develop a mainframe-based land record system to address the statutory requirements. In 1999, the Board of Trustees Land-Document System (BTLDS) was modernized to take advantage of newer technologies and integration components.

In 2008, Senate Bill 542 amended section 253.0325, F.S., to require DEP to include in its modernization of state lands records initiative all lands acquired by all agencies under the Florida Preservation 2000 Act (P-2000) pursuant to section 259.101, F.S., or the Florida Forever (FF) Act pursuant to Section 259.105, F.S. This includes all land records beginning in 1990 to present, as well as any future land purchases involving P-2000 and FF funding. To determine the most effective approach to the 2008 amendments to s. 253.0325, F.S., DEP contracted with an outside vendor to conduct a BTLDS Feasibility Study, which resulted in a detailed Schedule IV-B. (The Schedule IV-B provides a basis for agreement among agency IT staff, program staff and executive management as well as Governor's Office of Policy and Budget (OPB) and the Legislature regarding resources and commitments needed for the project. Generally, the Schedule IV-B builds on analyses and information collected by the agency during the initial definition and planning stages of a project. It provides a framework to assess the costs, benefits, and risks of a proposed IT project.) It was determined that the Division of State Lands will become the clearinghouse for the data and will maintain the sole data repository for state-owned land information.

In December 2010, Senate Bill 1516 amended nine sections of Florida Statutes, which expanded the scope of the original computerized system for state lands to include facilities that were owned, leased, rented or otherwise occupied by any agency, judicial branch or water management district.

In order to meet this requirement, DEP developed a system that allows agencies to enter and update their data through a web-based system. All state agencies, the judicial branch and water management districts will be required to submit pertinent land and facility data into the FL-SOLARIS system. In order to ensure the ability to meet legislative requirements, DEP will ensure the FL-SOLARIS system covers all state lands and facilities, not just P-2000 and FF funded lands. This includes lands that the state has fee interest in, and/or is a conservation easement acquired through a formal acquisition process for the purpose of protecting the land and not for regulatory purposes. Additionally, DMS and DEP shall develop and maintain an automated inventory of all facilities owned, leased, rented or otherwise occupied and maintained by state agencies, judicial branch and water management districts.

Through work sessions with DEP, the affected agencies, and an assessment of potential alternatives as detailed in the Schedule IV-B, DEP has elected to develop FL-SOLARIS to leverage DEP's existing infrastructure, technology, tools and systems. In addition, this solution could be leveraged by DEP in its longer-term need to replace the BTLDS system with modern technologies. Additionally, the Board of Trustees will be responsible for maintaining the public land inventory from the county tax roll data submitted by either the Florida Department of Revenue or the counties.

What does FITS stand for and what is its purpose?

Facility Inventory Tracking System. This component system contains all Florida state facility and facility lease data for Florida state agencies, water management districts, BOG universities, FCS colleges and the judicial branch, not including DOT transportation facilities.

What does LITS stand for and what is its purpose?

Lands Inventory Tracking System. This component system contains land data (owned, leased, disposed, otherwise occupied, and surplus) for Florida state agencies, water management districts, FCS colleges and the judicial branch, not including DOT right of way land.

What does PI stand for and what is its purpose?

Public Interface (aka Land and Facilities Inventory Search). This component system provides facility leases details and surplus property data for both State lands and facilities.

What does PLI stand for and what is its purpose?

Public Lands Inventory. This component system is populated with county tax roll data and used in the reconciliation of the LITS land inventory to the Florida counties’ data.

If you would like additional information, please contact:

Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Division of State Lands, State-owned Land Inventory
Last Modified: Monday, Mar 10, 2025 - 04:43pm