Florida is home to more than 4 million acres of conservation land. Most of these lands are open to the public for recreation, and nearly all require some form of stewardship. The Division of State Lands leases these lands to state agencies and local governments to manage.

The division has leased over 480 conservation areas for use as parks, preserves, forests, wildlife management areas, historic sites and recreation areas. 


Land Management Plans 

A Land Management Plan is required for all conservation lands under lease through the division. Section 253.034(5), Florida Statutes, requires that an initial Land Management Plan be submitted within one year from the date the land is first leased. The plan must be updated and resubmitted every 10 years thereafter. A land management plan must also be updated whenever new facilities are added, substantive land management changes are proposed, or within one year of the addition of significant new lands. Failure to comply with land management plan requirements may result in revocation of a state lands lease.

Land Management Plans by Agency



For additional information, please contact the Division of State Lands at 850-245-2555 or via email at LandStewardship@FloridaDEP.gov
Last Modified: Thursday, Mar 06, 2025 - 12:06pm