Picture of Lower Wacissa River

The Acquisition and Restoration Council (ARC) is a 10-member group comprised of four state agency representatives, four Gubernatorial appointees, one Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission appointee, and one Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services appointee.

ARC evaluates, selects, and ranks state land acquisition projects on the Florida Forever Priority List; reviews management plans; evaluates proposed uses of state-owned conservation land; and reviews tax credit requests for conservation easement properties containing fewer than 40 acres.

Calendar and Meeting Materials:
Negative Response Review:

The Division of State Lands will post negative response items under one of the below links for two weeks (excluding state and federal holidays). Three or more ARC members can request the Division place items on a future Council meeting agenda.

Conservation Tax Credit:

Contact Us:
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Division of State Lands
Office of Environmental Services
3900 Commonwealth Blvd., MS 100
Tallahassee, FL 32399

Last Modified: Friday, Feb 28, 2025 - 12:08pm