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Source & Drinking Water Program Content

Title Type
Drinking Water Plant Operations Excellence Awards Application Publication
Electronic Submission Addresses (Email or FTP) Publication
Electronic Submission Instructions-SDW Publication
FBRR Recordkeeping Format (Adobe PDF) Form
FBRR Recycling Notification Worksheet (Adobe PDF) Form
Florida Rural Water Association – New Water System Start-Up Checklist Publication
Florida Strategy to Improve Public Water Supply Publication
Florida Unique Well Identification Program General Content
Florida's Strategy to Improve Public Water Supply Publication
Florida's Strategy to Improve Public Water Supply - 2023 Triennial Report to the Governor Publication
Florida’s Area-Wide Optimization Program Publication
Florida’s Voluntary Testing Program for Schools and Childcare Facilities: Frequently Asked Questions Publication
Flow Data General Content
Flow Data Publication
Format to be used for reporting all drinking water bacteriological analysis results Publication
Format to be used for reporting all drinking water chemical analysis results except for lead and copper tap samples and water quality parameter samples Form
Ground Water Monitoring Plan Design Publication
Ground Water Monitoring Report Form
Ground Water Wells Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water General Content
Hazardous Materials/Petroleum Spills (SWO Incidents) General Content
Information and Help General Content
Information for Certified Drinking Water Laboratories General Content
Information for Public Water Systems General Content
Information from the Drinking Water Database General Content
Inorganic Contaminants General Content


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