Title Type
2021-2022 SE FL ECA Reef-building-coral Disease Intervention and Preparation for Restoration Publication
2022 Advancing Coral Reef Research and Resilience in Southeast Florida Publication
2022-2023 SE FL ECA Reef-building-coral Disease Intervention and Preparation for Restoration Publication
Acute Exposure of Acropora cervicornis to Port Everglade Sediment Publication
Advancing coral reef research and resilience in Southeast Florida Publication
Assessing the contribution of groundwater to phosphorous loadings to canals and tributaries discharging to Biscayne Bay Publication
Assessing the effects of environmental cofactors on Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) transmission and progression rates Publication
Calibration of the Biological Condition Gradient (BCG) for Florida’s Coral Reef Publication
Coral Propagation: Land-based and Offshore Nursery Phase III Publication
Coral Propagation: Land-based and Offshore Nursery Phase IV Publication
Coral Protection and Restoration Program Strategic Plan (2024-2029) Publication
Curry Hammock Tidal Creek Restoration Publication
Development of alternative in situ treatments for stony coral tissue loss disease Publication
Development of alternative in situ treatments for stony coral tissue loss disease Publication
Development of alternative in situ treatments for stony coral tissue loss disease Publication
Development of alternative in situ treatments for stony coral tissue loss disease and investigation of temperature as a driver of stony coral tissue loss disease dynamics Publication
Development of physical and sequence bacteria enrichment methods for the detection of species and strain-level variations in SCTLD-associated bacteria Publication
Examining novel techniques in lab-based spawning to upscale coral restoration efforts Publication
Florida Disease Response Coral Rescue and Propagation - NSU Publication
Florida Disease Response Coral Rescue and Propagation - NSU Publication
Florida Disease Response Coral Rescue – NSU Publication
Florida Keys Coral Disease Intervention Strike Teams Publication
Florida Keys Coral Disease Strike Team: FY 2021/2022 Final Report Publication
Florida’s Coral Reef Water Quality Data Compilation, Analysis, and Decision Support Year 2 Publication
Florida’s Coral Reef Water Quality Data Compilation, Analysis, and Decision Support Year 3 Publication