Beach Survey Services (BSS) is responsible for maintaining a statewide geodetic control network and managing a historic shoreline database of survey data collected by BSS surveyors or by private company land surveyors.

The geodetic control network is used as a baseline to monitor shoreline changes along 825 miles of beaches that front the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of America and the Straits of Florida.

The geodetic control network is also used to legally describe the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL) and Erosion Control Lines (ECLs) within 25 coastal counties where applicable.  

The Regional Coastal Monitoring Data webpage provides general information on the control network, control monument tabulation and supplemental survey control.

The repository for the beach profile data collected by BSS surveyors or by the private sector can be found at The Historic Shoreline Database. Beach profile surveys have been conducted by BSS and others on a regular basis throughout the shoreline of Florida since the 1970s.

BSS staff and surveyors contact information can be found on our staff contacts page.