The Coastal Engineering and Geology Group (CEGG) provides technical expertise and assistance to the beach erosion control and regulatory programs of the Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection (RCP). Technical expertise is provided in coastal hydrodynamics, sediment processes and geology, and the related principles and practices of coastal engineering and geotechnical analysis. 

The staff provides technical support for Florida’s beach erosion control program through evaluations of coastal conditions, including historical shoreline changes and storm impact assessments, through evaluations of proposed beach and inlet management activities, and through analysis of project monitoring data. The coastal engineering staff supports the RCP's environmental regulatory programs by conducting engineering and geotechnical reviews of proposed activities.

Staff conducts or manages applied research initiatives and other program development projects that provide technical guidance for ORCP policies regarding engineering and environmental design issues facing the beach management program in Florida. The staff develops shoreline, inlet and project monitoring guidelines and methodologies. It organizes, inventories and provides shoreline change information with associated documentation. It provides consultation and assistance with analytical procedures, methodologies, models and computer programs for coastal engineering analysis purposes.

Critical Erosion Areas

Monitoring beach and dune conditions, and reporting erosion areas in Critically Eroded Beaches In Florida, is an integral part of the division's beach erosion control program responsibilities.      

Regional Offshore Sand Source Inventory (ROSSI)

This inventory of sand sources provides information for coastal engineers and geologists, project managers and the public to assess and identify potential offshore sand resources that are suitable for beach nourishment projects. 

ROSSI, an online information management system, can be searched through an online query builder, as well as with ArcIMS Geographic Information System mapping tools. The project has incorporated geological and geotechnical data for the Florida offshore continental shelf. The primary area of interest is within 10 miles of the shoreline. Data and information from farther offshore that assists in understanding or predicting potential sand resources within the area of primary interest is also included in the database.

Coastal Engineering and Geology Staff Responsibilities

  • Shamim Murshid, Ph.D., Program Administrator - Responsible for providing oversight and management of the program in performing engineering support activities for beach management and regulatory staff, reviewing and providing specific engineering responses for project scope of work documents and permit-related documents, beach and inlet management strategies, applied research and program development. Oversees work activities and staff in reviewing and updating statewide designated areas of critical erosion, participation in special studies and contract work, and in post-storm inspection and assessment work.
  • Vacant, M.S., Environmental Manager - Assist the Program Administrator with management responsibilities; direct supervisor of the Beaches surveyors. Responsible for numerical modeling of coastal hydro-morphodynamics, hydrographic data analysis and beach erosion assessments; for conducting coastal engineering reviews of beach and inlet management projects as well as evaluating post-storm impacts of major storm events on coastal construction, beach and dune resources.
  • Ralph Clark, P.E., Coastal Engineer – Responsible for preparing Critically Eroded Beaches reports and the lead engineer in conducting post-storm inspection and preparing storm impact assessments. Provides consultation and quality assurance oversight as the program's senior coastal engineer to both the staff and outside consultants on scientific and engineering issues. Conducts engineering analysis of inlet and beach management activities, and assists with the preparation of inlet management plans for adoption by the department.
  • Sarah Lindeman, Coastal Geologist - Responsible for assisting RCP's beach and inlet management staff and regulatory programs with geologic reviews and analysis.  Acts as project manager for the online Regional Offshore Sand Source Inventory database and map server.
  • Ahsan Habib, Ph.D., Coastal Engineering Specialist  – Responsible for reviewing and providing specific engineering responses for project scope of work documents and permit-related documents, beach and inlet management strategies and program development.  Assist with the preparation of inlet management plans for adoption by the department. Responsible for historical shoreline change analysis and 30-year erosion projections, storm erosion model studies and slope stability analysis, and other reviews and analyses in support of the Coastal Construction Control Line Program.
  • Kristen Becker, Ph.D., Coastal Engineering Specialist – Responsible for reviewing and providing specific engineering responses for project scope of work documents and permit-related documents, beach and inlet management strategies and program development.  Assist with the preparation of inlet management plans for adoption by the department. Responsible for historical shoreline change analysis and 30-year erosion projections, storm erosion model studies and slope stability analysis, and other reviews and analyses in support of the Coastal Construction Control Line Program.
  • Nathan Bonanno, M.S., Coastal Engineering Specialist – Responsible for reviewing and providing specific engineering responses for project scope of work documents and permit-related documents, beach and inlet management strategies and program development.  Assist with the preparation of inlet management plans for adoption by the department. Responsible for historical shoreline change analysis and 30-year erosion projections, storm erosion model studies and slope stability analysis, and other reviews and analyses in support of the Coastal Construction Control Line Program.
  • Jessica Simental, M.S., Coastal Engineering Specialist – Responsible for reviewing and providing specific engineering responses for project scope of work documents and permit-related documents, beach and inlet management strategies and program development.  Assist with the preparation of inlet management plans for adoption by the department. Responsible for historical shoreline change analysis and 30-year erosion projections, storm erosion model studies and slope stability analysis, and other reviews and analyses in support of the Coastal Construction Control Line Program.