There are several Florida Statutes (F.S.) and Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) rules that either give authority to programs within the Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection, or programs for which RCP is directly responsible. For more information about any of these, please contact the Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection at 850-245-2094.

Statutes and Rules from which multiple RCP programs derive authority and operate under.

Florida Statute or Florida Administrative Code RuleTileDescription
Chapter 253, F.S.State LandsAll lands owned by the State, including sovereign submerged lands.
Chapter 258, F.S.State Parks and PreservesFlorida's state parks, aquatic preserves and wild and scenic rivers.
Chapter 373, F.S.Water Resources
Florida's surface water and groundwater resources.
Chapter 380, F.S.Land and Water ManagementLand and water management policies to protect natural resources and the environment.
Environmental ControlWide-ranging authorities to address various environmental issues and concerns.
Chapter 18-21, F.A.C.Sovereignty Submerged Lands ManagementImplementation of administrative and management responsibilities regarding sovereignty submerged lands.
Chapter 62-302, F.A.C.Surface Water Quality StandardsImplementation and specifications of surface water quality standards. Rule also contains specifications for Outstanding Florida Waters and Outstanding Natural Resource Waters.

Additional Statutes and Rules from which individual RCP programs derive authority, operate under or maintain:

Beaches and Coastal Systems

Florida Statute or Florida Administrative Code RuleTitleDescription
Chapter 161, F.S.Beach and Shore PreservationState’s surface water and ground water resources.
Chapter 62B-26, F.A.C.Metes and Bounds Descriptions of Coastal Construction Control LinesThe legal description of the location of the Coastal Construction Control Lines in the coastal counties of Florida.
Chapter 62B-33, F.A.C.Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems - Rules and Procedures for Coastal Construction and Excavation (Permits for construction seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line and 50 foot setback)Rules and procedures to obtain Permits for construction seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line.
Chapter 62B-34, F.A.C.General Permits for Activities Seaward of the Coastal Construction Control LineImplement the provisions of section 161.053(19), F.S., providing General Permit for activities performed seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line.
Chapter 62B-36, F.A.C.Beach Management Fund Assistance Program
Governs policy on the ranking and cost sharing of state-funded restoration and inlet management projects. Provides procedures for executing a comprehensive, long-range, statewide beach management plan for the protection of Florida's critically eroded shoreline.
Chapter 62B-41, F.A.C.Rules and Procedures for Application for Coastal Construction PermitsContains criteria and procedure for obtaining a Coastal Construction Permit.
Chapter 62B-49, F.A.C.Contains criteria and procedure for obtaining a Coastal Construction PermitContains the rules and procedures for obtaining a Joint Coastal Permit pursuant to section 161.055, F.S.
Chapter 62B-54, F.A.C.Administrative Fines and Damage Liability
Provides a method for determining the amount of fines or damages to be assessed for violations pursuant to 161.054 F.S., and the procedure for imposing and collecting fines or damages.
Chapter 62B-55, F.A.C.Model Lighting Ordinance for Marine Turtle ProtectionDesignates coastal areas utilized, or likely to be utilized, by sea turtles for nesting, and to establish guidelines for local government regulations that control beachfront lighting to protect hatching sea turtles.
Chapter 62B-56, F.A.C.Rules and Procedures for Using Sand-Filled Geotextile Dune Cores (Permits for construction and maintenance)Provide the criteria for constructing and maintaining sand-filled geotextile containers used as dune core structures for coastal armoring.

Florida Coastal Management Program

Florida Statute or Florida Administrative Code RuleTitleDescription
Coastal Planning and ManagementFlorida Coastal Management Act, beach warning flags and safety, lighthouse preservation.
Chapter 62S-4, F.A.C.Coastal Management Program Coastal Partnership Initiative GrantsApplication procedures, eligibility and funding for Coastal Partnership Initiative Grants.
Chapter 62S-5, F.A.C.Coastal Management Program Grants to State Agencies and Water Management DistrictsApplication procedures and funding for FCMP grants to state agencies and water management districts.

FCMP is also tasked with updating and maintaining its Enforceable Policies. FCMP review these Florida Statutes. 

These are Florida Statutes that FCMP annually reviews changes to and submits those changes for approval from NOAA to add to the federally-approved CMP for federal consistency review purposes. View a list of FCMP enforceable policies.

Florida Resilient Coastlines Program

Florida Statute or Florida Administrative Code RuleTitleDescription
Chapter 62S-7, F.A.C.Sea Level Impact Projection (SLIP) Studies for State-Financed Coastal ConstructionImplement the provisions of section 161.551. F.S. The section requires state-financed constructors to assess the potential impacts of sea level rise and storms on new coastal construction. The rule includes definitions, requirements of state-financed constructors, standards for SLIP studies, implementation of SLIP study findings, enforcement mechanisms and the effective date.

Coastal and Aquatic Managed Areas, and National Estuarine Research Reserves

Florida Statute or Florida Administrative Code RuleTitleDescription
Chapter 18-18, F.A.C.Biscayne Bay Aquatic PreserveBoundaries, management criteria and other rules pertaining to the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve.
Chapter 18-20, F.A.C.Florida Aquatic PreservesBoundaries, management criteria and other rules pertaining to aquatic preserves throughout the state. Includes specific entries for Lake Jackson, Boca Ciega Bay and Pinellas County Aquatic Preserves.
Chapter 18-23, F.A.C.State Buffer PreservesDescription, scope, activities, enforcement and user fees for state buffer preserves.

Coral Reef Conservation

Florida Statute or Florida Administrative Code RuleTitleDescription
Section 403.93345, F.S.Coral Reef ProtectionFlorida Coral Reef Protection Act.

Clean Boating Program

Florida Statute or Florida Administrative Code RuleTitleDescription
Section 327.53, F.S.Marine SanitationVessel and floating structure requirements for waste and sewage.
Section 403.061, F.S.Florida Department of Environmental Protection's roles and dutiesPowers of DEP to control and prohibit pollution of air and water.
Sections 403.072-.074, F.S.Pollution Prevention ActGoals, policy and technical assistance for pollution prevention.

Citizens Support Organizations

Florida Statute or Florida Administrative Code RuleTitleDescription
Section 20.058, F.S.Citizen Support and direct-support organizationsRequirements and regulations regarding citizen support and direct-support organizations.
Section 20.2551, F.S.Citizen support organizations; use of property; audit; public records; partnershipsUse of property, audit and public records requirements, legislative intent and appropriation power for partnerships, and transparency report to House and Senate leadership regarding citizen support organizations submitted by DEP.
Last Modified: Friday, Nov 22, 2024 - 04:04pm