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  1. Sand and Limestone Mine General Permit Notification Form

    62-660.900(6), Sand and Limestone Mine General Permit Notification Form is a form that is used for ground water discharge (non-NPDES) facilities.  This form can be submitted either electronically or by mail. This form should be submitted, ...

    Agosto_A - 05/18/2023 - 9:28am

  2. Car Wash Recycle System General Permit Notification Form

    Recycle System General Permit Notification Form is a form that is used for ground water discharge (non-NPDES) facilities.  This form can be submitted either electronically or by mail. This form should be submitted, along ...

    Agosto_A - 06/19/2023 - 11:12am

  3. Laundromat General Permit Notification Form

    General Permit Notification Form is a form that is used for ground water discharge (non-NPDES) facilities.  This form can be submitted either electronically or by mail. This form should be submitted, along with any other ...

    Agosto_A - 05/08/2024 - 3:09pm

  4. Tomato Wash Water General Permit Notification Form

    Wash Water General Permit Notification Form  is a form that is used for ground water discharge (non-NPDES) facilities.  This form can be submitted either electronically or by mail. This form should be submitted, along ...

    Agosto_A - 06/03/2024 - 8:50am

  5. Application to Discharge Wastewater from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and Aquatic Animal Production Facilities- Form 2B

    Animal Production Facilities- Form 2B is a form that is used for surface water discharge (NPDES) facilities.  NPDES forms must be submitted by mail.  However, an electronic copy of the form will constitute the multiple ...

    Agosto_A - 07/08/2024 - 8:04am

  6. Form 1 Organization Report

    Division of Water Resource Management Oil and Gas Program Sunday, March 1, 1998 Form 1 Organization Report.pdf 1 Yes ...

    McCarthy_D - 05/17/2023 - 9:07am

  7. Investigations Complaint Form

    June 1, 2020 Office of Inspector General Investigations Complaint Form Investigations complaint form may be mailed to 3900 Commonwealth Blvd., M.S. 51, Tallahassee, FL 32399-3000, hand-delivered or email the form ...

    Riley_I - 03/05/2024 - 9:19am

  8. Permit to Discharge Non-Process Wastewater from New or Existing Industrial Wastewater Facilities to Ground Waters- Application Form 2EG

    Facilities to Ground Waters- Application Form 2EG  is a form that can be used ... discharge (NPDES) facilities, this form must be submitted by mail.  However, an electronic copy of the form will constitute the multiple additional copies ...

    Agosto_A - 07/05/2023 - 9:48am

  9. Permit Application for Permit to Discharge Demineralization Concentrate- Form 2DC

    Application for Permit to Discharge Demineralization Concentrate- Form 2DC  is a form that can be used by both surface and ground water discharge facilities.  For surface-water discharge (NPDES) facilities, this form must ...

    Agosto_A - 03/26/2024 - 8:17am

  10. Application for Permit to Operate a Non-Discharge/Closed Loop Recycle System- Form 2CR

    Form 2CR  is a form that can be used by both surface and ground water ... this form must be submitted by mail.  However, an electronic copy of the form ... 62-620.310(3), F.A.C.  For groundwater discharge (non-NPDES) facilities, this form ...

    Agosto_A - 07/08/2024 - 8:03am


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