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  1. Model Warning Letter for Permitted Facilities

    Office of General Counsel Office of General Counsel (General) Manual WL_for_permitted_facilities.pdf Download WL_for_permitted_facilities.pdf (41.66 KB) Model Warning Letter for Permitted Facilities Yes ...

    Coram_T - 01/12/2023 - 1:16pm

  2. Section 404 Permitting_ FL Delegation 3.22.24 SIGNED

    Agreement Section 404 Permitting_ FL Delegation 3.22.24 SIGNED.pdf Download Section 404 Permitting_ FL Delegation 3.22.24 SIGNED.pdf (262.74 KB) Section 404 Permitting_ FL Delegation 3.22.24 SIGNED Yes ...

    Shuck_A - 03/25/2024 - 4:53pm

  3. Model Warning Letter for 62-780 Permitted Facilities

    Office of General Counsel Office of General Counsel (General) Manual WL_for_permitted_facilities.docx Download WL_for_permitted_facilities.docx (13.02 KB) Letter Yes ...

    Coram_T - 01/12/2023 - 1:16pm

  4. Kanter DEP Permit App Enviro Comment (1)

    Office of Communications Press Office Correspondence KanterDEP_Permit_App_Enviro_Comment (1).pdf Download KanterDEP_Permit_App_Enviro_Comment (1).pdf (136.76 KB) Yes ...

    Beason_S - 02/13/2023 - 9:16am

  5. IW Consent Order (Permitted Facility)

    Office of General Counsel Office of General Counsel (General) Manual IWCO_permit_fac_Jan2022.docx Download IWCO_permit_fac_Jan2022.docx (60.43 KB) Yes ...

    Coram_T - 06/27/2024 - 10:30am

  6. Solid Waste Permit Notice of Violation

    Office of General Counsel Office of General Counsel (General) Manual SW_Permit780_NOV_MODEL_March2020.doc Download SW_Permit780_NOV_MODEL_March2020.doc (68.5 KB) NOV Yes ...

    Coram_T - 04/28/2023 - 1:29pm

  7. Environmental Resource Permitting, Post-storm Guidance

    on Environmental Resource Permitting_2022.pdf Download Post Storm Guide on Environmental Resource Permitting_2022.pdf (165.54 KB) Yes ...

    Shuck_A - 09/11/2023 - 11:33am

  8. Post Storm Guidance on Environmental Resource Permitting, Oct 2022

    on Environmental Resource Permitting_Oct 2022.pdf Download Post Storm Guide on Environmental Resource Permitting_Oct 2022.pdf (370.47 KB) Yes ...

    Shuck_A - 09/11/2023 - 11:33am

  9. Review of Beaches, Inlets and Ports Program Permit Fee Assessment

    Office of Inspector General Internal Audit Final Audit Report Review of BIPP Permit Fee Assessment (Final Report A-2021DEP-018).pdf Download Review of BIPP Permit Fee Assessment (Final Report A-2021DEP-018).pdf ...

    Riley_I - 03/08/2024 - 9:45am

  10. Generic Permit for Short-term Discharges from Petroleum Contaminated Sites Guidance

    Permits page. Yes ...

    Wright_B - 05/26/2023 - 4:21pm


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