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  1. Recycling Grants and Loans

    proposals for future grant projects at this time. Summary of all grant years ...

    Perry_C - 06/03/2024 - 11:13am

  2. Policy and Procedure Manual

    of Contents]   Submission Procedure To ensure timely review and response, ... time. For applications that require federal consistency review, that means ... agencies prior to that time, however, the Clearinghouse will issue ...

    Weaver_L - 02/09/2024 - 8:53am

  3. Florida Water Quality Credit Trading Registry

    page. Credits Traded Document At this time, there are no available credits ...

    VanHoudt_L - 07/23/2024 - 12:49pm

  4. Mangrove Frequently Asked Questions

    to get a permit just to trim or remove them? Is there a time of year ... Guidelines for Homeowners. 3. Is there a time of year that is best ... desirable. This is the time of year that mangroves experience the least amount ...

    Minick_A - 03/05/2024 - 4:21pm

  5. Compliance Data- AirInfo

    for first time or minor violations. Formal Enforcement Actions: The alleged ... at the same time will only return those facilities that have had both types of enforcement actions within the selected time frames. Your search will return ...

    Tyus_D - 04/12/2024 - 11:37am

  6. Greening Florida Government- Procurement

    content and cleaners that are less toxic to our environment. So next time ...

    Perry_C - 10/19/2021 - 8:58am

  7. LandAp2010

    for times when the water cannot be applied. LandAp is mentioned in Chapter ...

    Agosto_A - 01/28/2022 - 1:38pm

  8. Domestic Wastewater to Wetlands Program

    expensive than conventional treatment processes, while at the same time ...

    Agosto_A - 04/13/2022 - 11:00am

  9. DEP 101: Recycling

    nine times more jobs in Florida than sending trash to landfills ...

    Beason_S - 12/05/2022 - 10:00am

  10. WOTUS Determinations

    otherwise. WOTUS determinations may take extra processing time. DEP highly ...

    Eckstein_Z - 02/21/2023 - 3:01pm


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