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Focus On Change

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Event Date: 
Tuesday, February 19, 2019 - 8:00am to 4:00pm EST
Southeast District
Program Area: 
Southeast District (General)
Public Notice
Public Notice: 
1801 NE 6th Street
Pompano Beach, FL 33060

The Florida Rural Water Association (FRWA) presents the twenty-ninth annual "Focus on Change" Seminar in conjunction with
the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). These sessions are designed to provide the most current regulatory information
available to utilities. FRWA is pleased to announce that the DEP Water, Wastewater, and Operator Certification Sections will
be participating,.
You will notice that this year's agenda includes several timely topics in the General Session and Breakout Sessions. You are encouraged
to take the time to join us for what we anticipate to be an informative Training Seminar. FRWA will not be providing the presentations
book this year in order to comply with the Department of Environmental Protection's Paperless Initiative Act. You
can however download the presentations from our website if you wish to bring them with you or review.
There is no charge for admittance for those not wishing to earn CEUs/PDHs, however you must pre-register as seating is
limited. If you wish to receive CEUs/PDHs for the session a CEU/PDH processing fee will apply.

Contact Name: 
Margolius, Jill
Contact Phone: 
Last Modified:
September 8, 2023 - 1:43pm

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