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Division of Air Resource Management

Map of Active Facilities with Current Air Permits

A Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Air Quality Analysis sometimes requires a cumulative modeling analysis. In a cumulative analysis, nearby sources of air pollutants must be included in the model. Appendix W to Part 51 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Guideline on Air Quality Models, explains this requirement in more detail along with a variety of guidance documents found on the U.S.

AERMET Datasets Map

The AMS/EPA Regulatory Modeling System (AERMOD) is a steady-state, Gaussian plume dispersion model used to predict the ambient concentrations of air pollutants in the near-field (within 50 kilometers) for a variety of regulatory purposes. One of the main inputs to this model is meteorological data. This data is generally derived from National Weather Service Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) stations.


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