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Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration

Impaired Waters Listing Process

The core function of the Watershed Assessment Section is to use the best available information to identify waterbodies and water segments (WBIDs) that are not meeting the applicable water quality standards and designated uses based on the Impaired Waters Rule, Chapter 62-303 and Florida's Surface Water Quality Standards, Chapter 62-302, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.).

Methods for Calculating Project Reductions

Tools and Guidance for Calculating Total Nitrogen (TN) and Total Phosphorus (TP) Reductions for Restoration Projects

This website describes the DEP methods to calculate total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) reductions for watershed restoration, when site-specific information is not available. This guidance and calculation methods are related to the development and implementation of BMAPs, 4e plans, and 4b/reasonable assurance plans (RAPs). 


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