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Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration

Revisions to the Quality Assurance Rules and DEP SOPs

Revisions to Chapter 62-160, F.A.C., Quality Assurance, and the DEP Standard Operating Procedures

Effective April 16, 2018

The revisions to Chapter 62-160, F.A.C. (Quality Assurance), the DEP SOPs (Revision date January 2017), and miscellaneous documents incorporated by reference are effective as of 4/16/18.

Older versions of Chapter 62-160, the DEP SOPs and certain other incorporated documents are no longer valid for current use.

SOP Forms

The following DEP forms are provided to facilitate documentation of sampling, field-testing and bioassessment training activities associated with the DEP SOPs. These forms are incorporated into the DEP QA Rule, Chapter 62-160, F.A.C., and are effective as of 4/16/2018. NOTE: Use of some of these forms is required by specific DEP SOPs, while other forms are for optional use. The revision date for all forms listed below is January 2017.


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