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Division of Waste Management

School Chemical Cleanout Campaign (SC3)

Every year, throughout the country, hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent on school incidents involving chemicals such as spills and fires. These incidents involve potentially dangerous chemicals, which, in some cases, had been unused for more than 30 years. In addition to financial costs, these spills may also cause school closures that result in a loss of valuable education time. SC3 seeks to address this issue by not only cleaning out excess, legacy, unused, and improperly stored chemicals but also by going a step further and implementing preventive mechanisms in schools.

Recycling Program FAQs

Q. How much waste is recycled in Florida annually?
A. In 2009 Floridians diverted 11,831,482 tons or 38 percent of municipal solid waste from the landfill through recycling. A complete breakdown of Florida's solid waste management can be viewed in the Solid Waste Annual Reports. There you will find a breakdown of Florida's solid waste and recycling information.


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