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Division of Water Resource Management

Florida's Reuse Program

Reuse is an integral part of water resources management, wastewater management and ecosystem management in Florida. It reduces demands on valuable surface and ground waters used for drinking water sources, eliminates discharges that may pollute valuable surface waters, recharges ground water, and postpones costly investment for development of new water sources and supplies.

Uniform Mitigation Assessment Methodology Rule Development


One of the top priorities in this rulemaking effort is developing a more certain regulatory process that is applied consistently across Florida to protect the environment and foster a sustainable economy.  A more consistent rule will be easier to use on both ends—easier for the citizens or businesses applying the Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method and for the agency staff processing the applications.  The goal is to develop a streamlined, straightforward UMAM rule that is applicable statewide, but that still accounts for each region’s diverse ecological communities.


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