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Division of Water Resource Management

State 404 Program Public Webinars and Training

DEP in conjunction with USACE presented a two-part public webinar series in December 2020. These webinars included information about Florida’s preparations to assume administration of the dredge and fill permitting program under Section 404 of the federal Clean Water Act for certain wetlands and other surface waters in the state. The webinar content was tailored to future applicants and environmental professionals who may submit applications on behalf of clients; however, all interested parties were invited to participate. The recordings for both webinars are available below.

State 404 Program Application Information

The State 404 Program and ERP Permit application forms are joint applications meant to include information required for both the ERP and the State 404 Program authorizations. Applicants should submit information on the form for the highest form of authorization needed. For example, if you need a State 404 Program individual permit and an ERP general permit, you should submit the individual permit form including all required sections.


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