The Division published a Notice of Rule Development (NORD) on December 5, 2023. The purpose of this NORD is to revise Chapter 62-213, F.A.C., to update major stationary source state permit regulations for consistency with federal regulations and state program requirements under Title V of the Clean Air Act. These updates include removal of the affirmative defense provision, adding a process for making minor amendments to existing permits, and clarifying the actions that constitute off-permit changes to existing permits.
The Division published a Notice of Proposed Rule (NOPR) on November 5, 2024. The proposed rule amendments address Operation Permits for Major Sources of Air Pollution. These updates include removal of the affirmative defense provision, adding a process for making minor amendments to existing permits, and clarifying the actions that constitute off-permit changes to existing permits. Additional revisions will include repealing the Title V Air General Permits rule section in its entirety as the sources are now regulated under Rule 62-210.310, F.A.C.
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