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Hazardous Waste Resources

Universal Wastes

Hazardous Waste

  • School Chemical Cleanout Campaign (SC3)
    School Chemical Cleanout Campaign, or SC3 Program seeks to not only cleaning out excess, legacy, unused, and improperly stored chemicals but also go a step further and implementing preventive mechanisms in schools.
  • Storage Tank Compliance
    Responsible for implementing the state's above- and below-ground storage tank regulation program. Manages rule development and provides technical assistance and training to the district offices and local governments in all aspects of storage tank regulation. Administers a registration fee program for storage tanks and dry cleaners. Contracts with local governments to conduct compliance inspections and enforcement activities. Determines eligibility, scoring, and ranking of sites that apply for state funded petroleum contamination cleanup assistance.
  • Dry Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Program
    The Florida Legislature has established a state-funded program to cleanup properties that are contaminated as a result of the operations of a drycleaning facility or wholesale supply facility (Chapter 376, Florida Statutes). The program is administered by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The statute was sponsored by the drycleaning industry to address environmental, economic and liability issues resulting from drycleaning solvent contamination. The program limits the liability of the owner, operator and real property owner of drycleaning or wholesale supply facilities for cleanup of drycleaning solvent contamination if the parties meet the conditions stated in the law.
  • Small Business Assistance Program
    The Small Business Assistance Program (SBAP) is an integral part of the Office of Air Programs, Communication and Outreach. The Program was established by Title V of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. The SBAP provides technical and regulatory assistance to small businesses.
  • Industrial Wastewater Pre-treatment Program
    The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, in its role as approval authority, oversees the development and implementation of local pre-treatment programs in the state. These local pre-treatment programs are developed and implemented in accordance with Chapter 62-625, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), §403.0885, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and the Clean Water Act (33 United States Code, §1251 et seq.).
  • Lead in Shooting Ranges
    Florida depends on groundwater for its drinking water supply, and on surface water for the outdoor recreation industry. High rainfall and acidic conditions, typical in Florida, cause lead to be more mobile in the environment. Therefore, proper management of outdoor shooting ranges is especially important in the Sunshine State.

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Last Modified:
August 12, 2024 - 11:26am

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